We meet again ; never took you for the clubbing type ?

@murderousdoc * before he knows it he’s in the others strong grip ; lenka closing his eyes as he breathed out an excited breath * I like your heart beat . * he doesn’t mind he’s being dragged to the killers house ; his is much to dirty anyway ; recording equipment and stacks of files dominate the small one bedroom apartment and he grimaced at the thought of his small beaten up futon ; definitely not enough for the both of them , it was barely big enough for himself much the tall beautiful man carrying him . Eye curiously looks around before he’s set down only for the other to push him into the foyer of the home * wow.. this is gorgeous . are you sure your just a doctor and not a sugar baby ??

@abnormaIisms ah names , , , I forgot that they were important. I’m Claudius some call my Claude for short, you can call me whatever you’d like darling . * the doctor didn’t care about the club whispers around , how people stared , looked , and all judged he merely laughed at the thoughts of mortals that surrounded , , easily he picks the smaller male and exited the club taking in a breath of the sharp cold air with a tongue racing over his teeth * my home isn’t far, accompany me there. * he barely gave the other room to disagree he was already down the concrete walkway with arms tightly around his body letting the other listen to his ever so calm heartbeat , lips curled into something of a frown as they got to a house connected to plenty of others yet it seemed he owned every floor and the number of floors were four , plants sat outside still growing so peacefully a mail box empty and a house door that was all black with gold lettering in 345 *