
Merry Christmas everyone!  ^^ hope u all have a great day today!


I'm back guys! I've been working on Bloodshed Battle while on my break but I have writer's block and I have no idea what I'm doing. But I'm trying?  
          Also I completely forgot to post an announcement after starting a new book silly me :3 ~Mercury


Alright, it's been a few months so I'm just going to say that I'll be taking a break off Wattpad just to, I don't know, become more motivated to be updating. But dont worry, I'll try to get a few chapters out and that will probably be all.
          I hope that when I'm officially back that I'll actually try not to procrastinate to much lol.


Okay I need ideas. So I've already got Mistpaw, Flamepaw and Darkpaw's warrior names but I need inspiration on Violetpaw and Heatherpaw's names. (If y'all don't know what I'm talking about, go ready my book Bloodshed Battle and you'll find out) Should I name Violetpaw Violetclpud in honour of her mother or something else? Give me suggestions on what I should do and name ideas for Heatherpaw too!~ Yours truly, Mercury


@mxrcury_winds    For Heatherpaw you could do Heatherleaf or Heathercloud