
chapter 3 tell me what you think!


Hey I was wondering if you could possibly read my story? It's called "Tantalizing Desires Past Midnight" 
          In know these can get pretty annoying but hey that's what we authors have to deal with right? Lol 
          Well hope you read it! Maybe comment, vote, and maybe maybe fan? Please and thank you! 
          Nightraven896 xoxo XD


Hey, I know the­­­­­­­­­­­­se are s­up­er­ a­nn­oy­in­g,­ a­­nd­­ I­­'m­­ not gonna beg
          But I have this story called
          'An Albino On A­­­­­­­­­­­­ Reality­ S­ho­w.­. ­Wh­at­ c­ould go wrong?'
          that I was hopi­­­­­­­­­­­­ng you c­ou­ld­ t­ak­e ­a ­lo­ok­­ a­­t ­­an­­d ­give­­ my ­­some feedback!
          Thanks, I know ­­­­­­­­­­­­these get annoying!


hey i'm just wondering if your not busy if yo u could check out a story i'm writing at the mo. 
          its a typical boy/girl/ crazyness ensues kind a story, and would appreciate anything from a vote to becoming a fan! 
          and i'll definitely read your stories!


hey i knw these messages get really annoying but i just wondered if u could check my story out, a pirates daughter in this age - no way!!!!! please i would really appreciate any feedback lol and if u dont want 2 i understand lol =D


Hey, I was wondering whenever you have time if you could maybe read one of my stories? It would mean alot if you could leave a comment and tell me what you think, but dont worry if you cant, i understand :) 
          Oh and if you want me to read one of yours, just say so 
          Thankyouuu :)xx