
hello! how is everyone c:


@RandomC00kiez Aha don't we all :) I'm actually dying for you to publish this book now! I'll get started on it Assap!!! Wow can't seem to contain my excitement!!!!! Mwahahahaha!!!! thats over I'm absoulty relived! You don't want a celeb those books are pretty icky to me :p ...I'll shut up now and begin work on your cover! Btw you want your username used as the author right? 


@RandomC00kiez Wow, now that's a great read! :D Let's see...I gotta get a feel so here's a bucket-load of questions:
          What's the title?
          Do you want the girl on the cover?
          What color would they're hair be?
          If you do, what celebrity would you want on there? 
          I'll pause for a breath xD hope I'm not creeping you out aha!