
I'm sorry for disturbing. I just wanted to inform you about a situation. I'm from Turkey and yesterday, a 15 year-old girl Melisa took her own life with a gun. The reason was her father, the tweets coming from peopleshe wanted help from. She was a BTS fan and when she tried to ask for help, people ignored her, saying BTS fans are liars and shouldn't be taken seriously. Her father was beating her up, abusing her mentally. He even took a rope and put it to her room so she could use it to k*ll herself. The whole situation is full of brutal details that I don't want to tell right now... Melisa was just a kid and she couldn't handle all of these. I hope you can spread Melisa's situation, we don't want more kids to die. Her father was released, not being sentenced... People are suspecting it was a murder, that she was k*lled by her fater but we are not sure. But what we are sure about is that Melisa died because of people who bashed her for listening to what she wants. Please spread the hashtag #melisaicinadaletistiyoruz and #intihardeğilcinayet Thank you for your time...