
Hey guys, i had the idea of a smut Tsukishima x reader oneshot and started writing it and now I want to ask you if I should Upload it here. 
          	Here you have a teaser to deside if you want me to Upload it when it finished.
          	```Me and Kei are in a Fight, well not really a Fight it is just a little disagreement, that is how I call it because it was mostly caused by me being a brat. 
          	I do not know where it comes from, but sometimes I just begin to have an Attitude.
          	Now we are both in his bedroom sitting me at his desk and him laying on the bed, both being completely quiet minding our own business.
          	“Short-stack could you give me a pen? I need to write something down.” Kei asked.
          	“Get it yourself I am busy drawing here.” the brat in me answered him.
          	He just tch’d me and stood up himself to get the one which was laying on the bookshelf next to the Door.
          	After that he just left the room maybe he has to go to the toilet I thought to myself, while I turned my Attention back to my drawing. It was a Photo from our first date were we went to a cafe. In the Photo we both grin at each other while we talk. 
          	Yamaguchi who followed us together with Yachi took that Photo that day and I am really thankful that those two followed us that day.
          	While I was deep in my thoughts I did not notice that Kei came back and walked back to the bookshelf to place his glasses on it.
          	Shortly after that I wanted to stand up and get myself an eraser but was met with a hand rapped around my throat.
          	“Where do you think you going brat?” Kei said in a deep voice and a teasing manner, which never failed to have an effect on my body.
          	He pushed me against the wall and pressed his lips in a demanding manner on mine and began to kiss me longingly, at the same time still holding my throat and pressing me against the Wall with his pelvis.```


Hey guys, i had the idea of a smut Tsukishima x reader oneshot and started writing it and now I want to ask you if I should Upload it here. 
          Here you have a teaser to deside if you want me to Upload it when it finished.
          ```Me and Kei are in a Fight, well not really a Fight it is just a little disagreement, that is how I call it because it was mostly caused by me being a brat. 
          I do not know where it comes from, but sometimes I just begin to have an Attitude.
          Now we are both in his bedroom sitting me at his desk and him laying on the bed, both being completely quiet minding our own business.
          “Short-stack could you give me a pen? I need to write something down.” Kei asked.
          “Get it yourself I am busy drawing here.” the brat in me answered him.
          He just tch’d me and stood up himself to get the one which was laying on the bookshelf next to the Door.
          After that he just left the room maybe he has to go to the toilet I thought to myself, while I turned my Attention back to my drawing. It was a Photo from our first date were we went to a cafe. In the Photo we both grin at each other while we talk. 
          Yamaguchi who followed us together with Yachi took that Photo that day and I am really thankful that those two followed us that day.
          While I was deep in my thoughts I did not notice that Kei came back and walked back to the bookshelf to place his glasses on it.
          Shortly after that I wanted to stand up and get myself an eraser but was met with a hand rapped around my throat.
          “Where do you think you going brat?” Kei said in a deep voice and a teasing manner, which never failed to have an effect on my body.
          He pushed me against the wall and pressed his lips in a demanding manner on mine and began to kiss me longingly, at the same time still holding my throat and pressing me against the Wall with his pelvis.```


           Ich habe zwei Ideen für eine Fanfiction zu My hero Academia.
           Einmal eine mit wo sie dir Zwillingsschwester  von Izuku Midoriya und eine wo die Hauptperson sozusagen die kleine Schwester von Hawks ist, ich weiß halt nur nicht welche ich davon jetzt schreiben möchte und ich weiß auch noch nicht mit wem die  beiden zusammen kommen sollen.  
          Falls ihr Wünsche habt könnt ihr die gerne bei mir sagen.


@Neri_Alcamo  Ich lass mich mal überraschen hehe


Also ich habe mit einer meiner Freundinnen angefangen einen Oneshot zu einer Fanfic zu schreiben die wir zusammen schreiben. Ich überlege noch ob ich sie wenn sie fertig ist hier hochlade. Aber erstmal zurück zum Oneshot, denn ich auf jeden fall hochladen werde. Dieser spielt im Harry Potter Universum und geht um zwei OC , sie heißen Zack und Alexander, auch Alex genannt. Der Oneshot spielt in der Zeitlinie von Tom Riddle. Tom spielt aber keine Rolle in diesem Oneshot. Der Oneshot wird Smut enthalten und Boy x Boy. So don't like it, don't read it.