
Hey! Thank you for voting on ‘GoH,’ I hope you stay safe & have a great day! Lots of love xx♥️✨
          P.S: What’s some of your fav animes?<3


            Yayayyy! That's cool! What are you currently watching?
            Another is a horror anime .... The story is really complicated just google it.. ( I'm not good at explaining stuff) 
             I just realised.... We both are INFP's ! 
            By the way... Do you have a favorite book? 


Yes! I love anime, I’ve been meaning to watch demon slayer actually, it’s been on my list for a while now xD I haven’t heard of Another, what’s it about? & thank you, you’re too sweet, I’m glad that you enjoyed reading my work, this really made my day<33✨❤️


            Aaah how could I not vote 
            Your books are really good! 
            I hope you were having a good day too! 
            It's honestly so sweet of you to thank people who voted I'm gonna cry-
            Aah my favorite anime....... I have a lot but I really love demon slayer and another  
            * chefs kiss*
            What about you? Do you watch anime? 