@nam-ratatouille OH my godddd I love mark lee he is so cute I wanna be his wife. We will live in a large house in Detroit and have 11 children and all of their names will start with z. 8 girls and 3 boys. Their names will be Zofia, Zcarlett, Zelena, Zamantha, Zylvia, Zierra, Zavannah, Zebastian, Zamuel, and Zteven. They will all grow up to be real estate agents. They all will also be really hot because no child of mine could ever be even a little ugly on the inside or out. I will force Mark to dye his hair a combination of Neon green and Bright purple. He will change his name to Frank so that his name will sound like Frankly. He will do all the housework, and I also expect him to go to a desk job and earn all the money after his fame dies down. I can't wait for our life together :)