
L is gone, there is only Kim Myung Soo (the term L is only for infinite members).  I don't care, I don't love one of them, but I love infinite (the whole member).  if he does leave the group I don't care I still love infinite.  ONLY INFINITE, let him live as he wants, no need to disturb his life, from the start he was indeed an actor, that's his choice.  Inspirit, let's focus on loving infinite, respecting those who persevere to stay together, never mind someone who doesn't even remember you or isn't with you, that's he's choice, that's their choice, and my choice is only loyal and always supports INFINITE, no matter what.


L is gone, there is only Kim Myung Soo (the term L is only for infinite members).  I don't care, I don't love one of them, but I love infinite (the whole member).  if he does leave the group I don't care I still love infinite.  ONLY INFINITE, let him live as he wants, no need to disturb his life, from the start he was indeed an actor, that's his choice.  Inspirit, let's focus on loving infinite, respecting those who persevere to stay together, never mind someone who doesn't even remember you or isn't with you, that's he's choice, that's their choice, and my choice is only loyal and always supports INFINITE, no matter what.


Hai eon....
          Mampir ke ff aku ya, main castnya MyungYeol, mungkin eonnie suka? Jangan lupa di voment karena aku butuh kritik dan saran, kamsahamnida^^