Hold up, we had to read one of your books this year in class..
Reading List
Here’s the Free Stuff! Deadline: Midnight, September 30, 2013. I announced a while ago that I would give away free sets of all three "Fallen World" books to followers who could answer quiz questions about my novel "Luck and Death at the Edge of the World," which is available on Wattpad. There’s no limit on the number of "Fallen World" sets that can be won—anyone who qualifies before the deadline will get a set. The questions aren’t hard to answer if you read Luck and Death, so if you haven’t read it yet maybe you should give it a try! You need to get two questions right in order to win. Here are the questions about the novel: 1. In Chapter 1, Gat Burroughs has a dream about a raid that he was part of while he was in the military—what’s the name of the city that was raided? 2. The book features a cult called the Suerte y Muerte—what is the only thing that its members steal? 3. In Chapter 8 someone tries to murder Gat and he takes cover in a Chinese restaurant—what’s the name of the restaurant? And here's a bonus question about the *free* soundtrack album: 4. You can find the *free* Luck and Death soundtrack album by going to my Wattpad profile page and looking for the link to the Luck and Death home page, which has a link to the soundtrack page. The question is: which indie musician wrote the track called The Hungry Ghosts? Email your answers to me at nas@nassauhedron.com. Be sure to type “Wattpad Fallen World” in the subject line of your email so it gets into the right pile of emails. And remember the deadline—your email has to be in my inbox by midnight on September 30, 2013 in order to count. If you get at least two out of the four questions right, I will send you all three Fallen World books, which are: • The commercial edition of Luck + Death (with bonus material that’s not in the Wattpad edition). • Felon + the Judas Kiss • Los Angeles Honey Details for each book are available on Amazon.com and Kobo.com. Good luck! Nas
Hold up, we had to read one of your books this year in class..
Here’s the Free Stuff! Deadline: Midnight, September 30, 2013. I announced a while ago that I would give away free sets of all three "Fallen World" books to followers who could answer quiz questions about my novel "Luck and Death at the Edge of the World," which is available on Wattpad. There’s no limit on the number of "Fallen World" sets that can be won—anyone who qualifies before the deadline will get a set. The questions aren’t hard to answer if you read Luck and Death, so if you haven’t read it yet maybe you should give it a try! You need to get two questions right in order to win. Here are the questions about the novel: 1. In Chapter 1, Gat Burroughs has a dream about a raid that he was part of while he was in the military—what’s the name of the city that was raided? 2. The book features a cult called the Suerte y Muerte—what is the only thing that its members steal? 3. In Chapter 8 someone tries to murder Gat and he takes cover in a Chinese restaurant—what’s the name of the restaurant? And here's a bonus question about the *free* soundtrack album: 4. You can find the *free* Luck and Death soundtrack album by going to my Wattpad profile page and looking for the link to the Luck and Death home page, which has a link to the soundtrack page. The question is: which indie musician wrote the track called The Hungry Ghosts? Email your answers to me at nas@nassauhedron.com. Be sure to type “Wattpad Fallen World” in the subject line of your email so it gets into the right pile of emails. And remember the deadline—your email has to be in my inbox by midnight on September 30, 2013 in order to count. If you get at least two out of the four questions right, I will send you all three Fallen World books, which are: • The commercial edition of Luck + Death (with bonus material that’s not in the Wattpad edition). • Felon + the Judas Kiss • Los Angeles Honey Details for each book are available on Amazon.com and Kobo.com. Good luck! Nas
Zombies + Nazis: A new British anthology featuring stories involving the combination of zombies and Nazis will be released in four volumes. It's called "Raus! Untoten!" ("Out! Undead!" in German) and will have a story of mine in volume 2, due out in January. My story is called "Les Poupeés Gris," which is French for "The Grey Dolls." In the story the "poupeés gris" are a type of zombie summoned according to an ancient French tradition. In the middle of the D-Day invasion at Normandy, one of the largest military mobilizations in history grinds to a halt because of one French farmer's wife, whose anger at the death of several relatives in the war unleashes something far more unexpected than the landing of Allied troops in Nazi-occupied France, and the course of the war itself is changed dramatically from what happened in *our* version of history. Like the "Raus! Untoten" page on Facebook to get news and author interviews and to be notified when the books are available: https://www.facebook.com/rausuntoten Nas
More than 1,000 followers--awesome! If you've been following for a little while you know that this is a month of celebration for me since it's the one-year anniversary of my novel Luck and Death at the Edge of the World appearing on Wattpad and I'll be posting some trivia questions soon with a set of all three Fallen World books as prizes. But 1,000 followers calls for a lightning round of giveaways. So I'm going to hand out 25 copies of my novelette "The Virgin Birth of Sharks" (which is *not* available on Wattpad) to the first people who correctly email me at with the answer to this question. Luck + Death has a free soundtrack album. If you go to my Wattpad profile you'll find a link to the Luck + Death home page, and if you go to the home page you can find a link to the web page for the free album. Follow the links to the album and then tell me the names of the following tracks: number 2, number 10, and number 12. Email the answer to me at nas [at] nassauhedron [dot] com and tell me which format ebook you prefer, ePUB (like you'd get from Kobo.com) or Kindle (like you'd get from Amazon.com). The first 25 people to email the correct answers get the free ebook! Good luck everyone! Nas
Free stuff! For all you new followers who might not already know, I tend to produce a lot of free stuff to go with my books. I hope you enjoy “Luck + Death at the Edge of the World” and I welcome comments, but while you're reading and commenting, be sure to enjoy the freebies that go with it! (1) Luck + Death has a home page that includes a *lot* of bonus content, including free PDFs and embedded videos. You can find the link on my Wattpad profile page. (2) Luck + Death also has a free soundtrack album called “Luck + Death: the Soundtrack for the Movie in Your Head,” featuring 14 tracks by artists in 8 countries, including indie musicians and bands, a film composer, and a classical composer (plus one by me). To download a copy, go to my Wattpad profile and click the link for the Luck + Death site, then look for the tab labeled “L&D Multimedia.” Listen to the soundtrack while you read, or just any time you feel like it! Also, I’ll be giving away some free ebooks within the next few weeks, so watch my emails for details. Welcome to Wattpad and happy reading! Nas
Free books: for all you new followers who might not already know, I will be celebrating the publication of my novel "Luck and Death at the Edge of the World" (part of the Fallen World series) on Wattpad (and Amazon/Kobo) a year ago by giving away several sets of free books in ePUB or Kindle format. I'll be posting the details soon, but the basic idea is that there will be several questions about the novel, plus one about the *free* soundtrack (available at LuckAndDeathSoundtrack [dot] wordpress [dot] com). Everyone who gets a certain number of the questions right (probably 3 out of 4) will get commercial editions of the entire series free. Don't forget: Tell your Wattpad friends! And I have other books on Amazon and Kobo! A big hello to the followers who've signed up since my last greeting a week ago. There are so many of you, I can't include you all in one email, so I'll send another soon. Hello to: BernieBarcelo deoakshay angela14strongberg Jellybean131 raullayla gostannen ebilgenc nammbpy bushyhill bossyboo rontgen11 ahmed920a blockboy anikadg aniikadg... seriously? 2 of you? Saveliybarskiy MuratVarl NedalAbuzaid4 lougene31 SophieSofia JorgeMuguerzaSotomay chris0452dahl AnasFysal fayikyakup SatyapriyaPattanaik MKzChris124 drmatak BonnieGardner RoseMaryHays nancyyesica mariateresadt77 exegeze hairan albertumali IvnChavez jordanharris9190 epsoncampus sabion thenwat TCIbrahimYagzGn jaymoneypimp adafanoy11 MiaPattiselanno OliverLopez3 SkylerLake Mutters7 LiamGunes aakrish GaryHughes ZyatheaMereyah MelaniCaballeroCruce 28shaina AsiaMarieThomas NoemiP JoseMorenoAranda Kernice18 Bilgim NalRam6 YoQueseYokese kingarchieval 034363 afbzaide bertila12 basbuitenkamp iremozoral MarBarrionuevo JoseAugusto9 joemofo Belieber_Kidrauhl erichkrause LongHuynhVan aaaand last but not least (for now): paquitoroca
And (now that the free books email is out of the way) I want to say a welcome to all the new followers who've signed up since the last time I sent a general email. That means *you* Bear_2008, antunezU, fypalero, adrian_o4, aira6199, Olgadrozd, studrup, kartopu, Nguyen1611, nataliegurl1, jennynguyenhoang01, davielynn, joe0303, Mishaaaaa, coiffure67, sarvanisharris, and InderPandher. Welcome--seeing you guys sign up rocks! Nas
Okay, free books! It's the first anniversary of "Luck + Death at the Edge of the World" being on Wattpad this month, and to celebrate I'm going to give away several sets of all three of the books in the series so far. That means the *commercial* version of "Luck + Death" (which has some bonus material that the Wattpad version doesn't have), plus "Felon and the Judas Kiss," and the new novella that just came out "Los Angeles Honey." See more about the new book at LA-Honey [dot] com. I haven't finalized the questions yet, but I can tell you what to expect: - There will be no limit to the number of winners. Everyone who gets a certain number of questions right (I'm thinking 3 out of 4) will get a set of books. - Plus, one person picked at random will get a full set of books just for entering, even if they got all the questions wrong, so it's worth entering even if you think you might not have everything right. - Because there's no limit to the number of winners you might want to mention it to your friends so they can enter too. Even if they win, it won't affect your ability to win. - There will be several questions about the book "Luck + Death," probably three. They won't be hard to answer if you've read it, but they'll be things that aren't easy to look up if you haven't read it. So anyone who's actually read the book will have a definite advantage. - There will be one question about the *free* soundtrack album, which you should download if you haven't yet. Find it at LuckAndDeathSoundtrack [dot] wordpress [dot] com. So, again, if you've listened to the album at least once you will have a better chance than if you haven't. - I will post the questions by the end of the month and announce the winners in September. That's it! Remember, one person will win no matter what their answers, so be sure to enter--maybe it'll be you! If you have questions, contact me. I look forward to seeing your entries! Nas
@LucySkye You're very welcome LucySkye!
@nashedron Thanks for telling me!! :)
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