
Wow! You my friend can READ!  How is it so far?


Nice. Glad you liked the ending. It's really the hardest part to write well you know. Bye. 


            Yes, I have a problem stopping once I start reading a good book. 
            I actually finished it and was so happy! I loved the story and the ending. It wasn't exactly how I thought it was going to play out and that was perfect! I think too much predictably can be a bad thing. 
            I'm actually going to start reading Redemption! I'll let you know what I think. 


Hi, thank you for adding my story to your reading list! I hope you'll enjoy!


Thanks for writing it! I can't wait for the next chapter to come out and to see how the girls end up meeting. 


Thank you so much for all of the votes! I hope you enjoyed it, and will continue reading! It really means a lot to me every time someone checks out my story, so really, thank you :)


@natashamarieg Roses are red, violets are blue. You voted on my story, so I'm here to thank you! Do you like my basically non-existent poetic rhyming skills? No? Well okay, at least I tried... *Hangs head sadly* 
          Anyway, hi Nat! I just wanted to thank you for voting on my story, 'Waffle Cones'! I really do appreciate it a whole lot, and I hope you're enjoying reading it. I also hope that my story brightened your day, or made you laugh and shake your head, or made you cringe from the sweetness... ;)
          Have a great day, and here, have a box of chocolates! *Hands you a box of assorted chocolates* ^-^


@natashamarieg Awh, no problem! I'M SO GLAD YOU LOVED IT! And hey, the more questioning looks you get, the more unique and quirky you are. The more unique and quirky you are, the more awesome you are! Logic XD 
            Don't worry, I wasn't going to make them not meet! Everyone would have murdered me for it :P And also, there's going to be a spinoff coming out at the end of November, so it's all good! You can breathe properly now. *Breathes deeply* ;)


The poem was actually quite touching, thank you for the message. 
            I LOVED YOUR STORY. 
            I was laughing out loud till the end, and getting a few questioning looks by my boyfriend/family. 
            I was so nervous that they weren't going to meet.... I hope you write some more. PLEASE AND THANKS. 