
hi everyone✨
          	for those of you that haven’t already seen it, i posted the next chapter of TSOTVC! hope you’re all having a great day :)


BBy, you know I did *finger gun’s but ultimately falls over* 


hi everyone✨
          for those of you that haven’t already seen it, i posted the next chapter of TSOTVC! hope you’re all having a great day :)


BBy, you know I did *finger gun’s but ultimately falls over* 


Hi sist or bro! Mampir, kuy ke work aku. Judulnya ALAMARA. Kisahnya tentang Almara yang lupa ingatan dan Alam yang berusaha memulihkan ingatan Mara. Nggak hanya tentang mereka berdua, ini juga tentang berbagai macam kisah anak SMA yang emang 'khas' banget. Penasaran? Kuy, lah mampir. Jangan lupa buat vomment dan kritik nya ya! Ditunggu! ❤ 
          Feedback? Ask aja ❤️


hi guys 
          as you’ve probably observed I’ve changed by profile just a touch as it felt very (VERY) outdated and I fancied something new.
          you’ll now find me as neonamelia and NOT tanitheverdeenxx (my old gross username)
          I’ve also deleted one of my books but TSOTVC will remain up, although my attention won’t be focused on it for a while.
          thanks for sticking around (even though this account is virtually deceased lmao)
          lotta love,
          - Amelia x


thank u, lovely! sorry for replying so late life is a s t r u g g l e at the moment lmao 