
So I have been in a very creative mood lately and I've been working on the rest of the Broken Wolves Trilogy and its coming out its just coming slower than I would like it too. I just wanted to thank you guys for all the support and I hope I do the rest of the trilogy justice.


I just discovered your books last night and I already read everything you have out there for the broken wolves series. I see it’s been a long long time since you have worked on (or at least shared what you have written). I just wanted to let you know that your story is very well done and I’m invested in the characters. I keep thinking “this would be a great movie too.” I would love to find out how Leo and Josh’s story ends. I thought you might like to know that people are still out here reading your stories and think you are fantastic! I hope you do finish the series. Best wishes. 


I feel the same way I found the series today and have read everything posted I hope you will come back to the trilogy soon!!


Although the 2nd story isn't finished, broken kept nagging at the surface of my brain. It was like telling me " you anxious to read this book and find out what happened". When things like that happens to me I know in my heart that that's a good book. I am going to read it and suffer the consequences.


@JeanineCornett the idea of broken was good but there's something missing in the story. It needs to be edited 


Your story broken sound interesting. I haven't started reading it because it's been 2 years since and you did wrote that it will be slow. When you have so many without writing a book ppl tend to give up because the fire isn't there anymore. Pity, because it seems like a book that has a lot of fire , passion and heart.


So I have been in a very creative mood lately and I've been working on the rest of the Broken Wolves Trilogy and its coming out its just coming slower than I would like it too. I just wanted to thank you guys for all the support and I hope I do the rest of the trilogy justice.