
Lemme maintain discipline and work on this story. Like all my homework assignments- good or bad, this thing is getting done.


@Taytaybeauty689 I'm sorry girlie. Keep reaching out to people! Eventually someone will be available and willing!


Lemme maintain discipline and work on this story. Like all my homework assignments- good or bad, this thing is getting done.


@Taytaybeauty689 I'm sorry girlie. Keep reaching out to people! Eventually someone will be available and willing!


The fact that the main way to get feedback on Wattpad nowadays is to have to go to ppls profile to post and ask is a little frustrating. I really wasn't a fan of it before but now ppl just have to hustle with what their given...


@Taytaybeauty689 it was still pretty good then. I've been on since like 2012. Things changed a lot but 2017 was still good.


I been on wattpad since 2017 I don’t when it’s kinda boring now


I need Newsfeed to come back right away. Why would I only want to look at my notifications? I want to know what others are reading while I'm taking a break from reading. I wanna know the next big story, see what others comment on, what they vote on-- all without having to literally stalk their profile just to MAYBE see a reading list put together. @Wattpad hear my plea PLEASE


hey! yes, I've just been so busy with work. I'm working on the story.


Are you coming back 


@neverlandingjackson Hi I see you like MJ. If you’re interested I have an book I’m working on. Feel free to vote, comment, and share. I would really appreciate it!


@Justice47 Hi. I've actually had this book in my library for a while now. Just haven't had the chance to get to it. Please take a look at the one I'm writing as well! Any feedback is appreciated.


I miss the activity tab on Wattpad. I used to find so many good stories through people I was following by just seeing what they were voting on, commenting on, and saving to their reading lists. I wonder where Wattpad is trying to go because they're just taking away a lot of features and making the platform more and more bland. 
          Why can I only see announcements and story updates in my notifications (aside from interactions of my own stories)?
          How come I can only save two stories (which downgraded from 3 after the initial switch) for offline reading, but I still need an internet connection to access them??
          Why can't I inbox fellow writers or readers? I don't want every message to be on a message board especially if we're going to be working on a story together or something. 
          I hate to sound like a boomer but I miss the old Wattpad. It seems like every "update" just makes the platform less appealing. Even the aesthetics have changed so much that it doesn't feel as good anymore. It's just not as fun anymore. 
          This is just my little rant. I'll still write of course, but ugh. Wattpad, please do better.


@neverlandingjackson I feel the same way like you


idk if this is regressing or healing, but I'm having a lot of story ideas again and am getting back into old interests (not unhealthy, but dead end interests that won't rlly serve me I don't think)


like why am I getting obsessed with the Hulk and comic books again?