
Hey there. I've got a nice thriller called "Wolf of the black Moon"  that I hope you find the time to read. Its got werewolves and vampires as main characters but I assure you It's not one bit cliche. The plot is ever twisting and intense. Why don't you find out for yourself and tell me what you think? till then. 


I know it been annoying question that you probably be getting alot, but... can you read my story, "Poison Lovely: Volume 1". It got amazing twists that keep you wanting more... 
          Read. Comment. Rate. Fanned me. 
          Tell me what you think, don't mean nor shy about it. Thnx ;-D


Hey there! 
          If you've got some extra, bored, time; I was wondering if you could read one of my stori es and comment on it! (voting , fanning, and whatever are all optional, its the reviews I need!) I'd love to return the favor, and I will! 
          I know this might annoy you, but anything is greatly appreciated! Thanks for reading this! 
          My Stories--Golden Dawn; Karis Gebelin was just your typical Hawaii transplant to Manhattan, obsessive top student who actually procrastinates everything, and bound of Ivy; future careerist and current fortune teller. Until-- that is--she finds out everything she aced is more or less a ben trevato-- so good bye model student and striving socialite--and hello demons layer/alchemist and automatic industry tycoon--that is, if she survives. 
          Pride, Prestige, and The Undead-- When Aislinn LeBlanc went to boarding school, she expected to be working hard and standing out with her scholastic honors and economist talents in a sea of high-society spoiled brats in their opulent playground. Little did the senator's daughter know, however, that she was entering a world where your rich and famous can kill, slaughter, and hack things like no one's business.African mythology, action, and secrets of success all come together in this tale of zombieslaying and prestige. 
          Empire Wars-- Kiers was fed up with his life in a small town in Iowa--until, that is, when he and his friends are offered to risk life and mind to test a new breakthrough "video game." Empire Wars was designed to be the most difficult game in the world, where dying is just too easy.
          P.S. I know you get a lot of these, but I'll say it; I really don't think my main characters are Mary Sues & Gary Stus, they aren't gorgeous, extremely talented, maybe have one talent, but that's it. My stories also are not centered around one cliche relationship between two gorgeous people or whatever, and I really hope you can try comment! 
          Thank you for the time!


Heyy!!! My name is Pratibha... But you can call me Pratz...
          Anyways... I was hopin that you could check out some of my works... Normally I'd advise ppl to read all my works cuz they're not much... but If you want to read only a select few then Id suggest you read 'What If...?', 'The Virtual Side of Reality' and 'Another Train Gone By...'
          I really hope you read all of them..
          Comment.. Vote... and Fan if you want to...
          I hope you do!!!!
          I'd really return a favor if you do so...


Hey, I know the­­­­­­­­se are super ann­oy­in­g,­ a­nd­ I­'m­ not gonna beg
          But I have this story called
          'An Albino On A­­­­­­­­ Reality Show.. ­Wh­at­ c­ould go wrong?'
          that I was hopi­­­­­­­­ng you could tak­e ­a ­lo­ok­ a­t ­an­d ­give­ my ­some feedback!
          Thanks, I know ­­­­­­­­these get annoying!


Hii (K)
          I was just wondering if you could please check out my story - In the World of Women.
          Here’s an excerpt from Part 1:
          In my world faith is pretty hard to come by. When my own mother took away the most promising aspect of my life I learned the hard way that people always disappoint you; when my prayers at night went unheard, I stopped believing in God, or even anything remotely associated with God: miracles, visions, angels... you name it, anything with a hint of the supernatural and I’d be the first to scoff at it. I believe you (or if you’re unfortunate enough, those around you) control your fate, not a bearded man in space; I believe you through love, make the miracles happen; and I believe that if it’s a vision you crave it’s your imagination that’ll come to your aid (and when that’s a scarce resource... I could always count on Lucy). However, had anyone asked me what I’d thought of angels I’d have described to them, in perfect detail, the girl standing on those cracked stone steps, one hand held books, papers and folders and the other held her map, upside-down.
          (I've just started out and this is my first attempt so I'd be extremely grateful. )
          Thanks ;)