
Wow has it been a long time! No one to blame but myself but honestly, I have not been feeling creative. I hope that will change as I am planning on getting back to writing more of my stories. To help me, I want to undergo some changes, like the titles for my two stories, 'We woke up drunk...' and 'You know you're weird...' 
          	I would really be greatful to any fans who are still patiently waiting for updates who have any suggestions. And if anyone could design a cover to match would be great. As soon as I can get my muse back I will update and anyone who can help with the titles would really be helping me get back into gear.
          	Thank you so much for being patient and for being impatient. You know who you are ;)


a work of fiction was a plot that had truly captured my attention and i'm sure that this is the  same for many others. as a writer and reader i know that you know how it feels to be introduced with a brilliant idea and then never have the honors of seeing it be continued. it really makes me sad to see that the odds of you never completing your works are pretty high. i do not know your reasons as to why you've stopped writing but  know that you are in  fact a very good writer. i enjoyed all i have read so far and hope that it is not the end of it. although it may be i will still hope that one day in my notifications it will say that your story has been updated.