
My first novel, trusting it will be a success


Hello! I'm really intrigued by your stories and I was wondering if you'd like some graphics for them (new cover, character aesthetics, chapter headers etc.). If you are then please take a look at the Lavender Books Graphic Shop on this profile and consider getting some of our graphics. It's all free except for a follow and writing in the chapter or book summary that we made the graphic. Sorry to bother you but I really like your books and would love to help out. If your not interested that's fine, we're open currently and just wanted to let you know. :) Have a great day /night! 


Hie! Thanks for following. I hope you enjoy what you read and grow in your writing career. I would appreciate if you read my books and give your feedback. It will mean a lot to me. I will do the same for you. We need each other's support to grow and achieve our dreams. Thanks again. 


@AspiringHampi hello thanks for reaching out. I will definitely read your books. Thanks 