
Lmao here !! 


I’m still on here but I’m like,,,, so damn creatively drained that it’s hard to even look at wattpad without regretting the fact that, despite being drained, I haven’t TRIED to write. I can’t do it, I love it so much but I can’t. I’ll get back to you guys soon, please, hold on a little longer. I’m almost done something. It won’t be the best but it’s all I’ve got.


Knowing a fair amount about columbine, I figured I'd check out the 2015 film, natural selection and god damn, have I got some stuff to say. I love the movie, the only thing that kind of ticked me was how vague the acting was but INDRID, myBOY, his parts weren't vague at all. I loved every single thing about the movie and I would 100% watch again. I loved when indrid told Tyler to leave like Eric told brooks to leave, both minutes before the shooting. I was crying throughout the whole movie because I got so excited? What a riot, I'm probably gonna watch it again.


tato zpráva může být urážlivá
I'm officially in a really shitty mood now. If you haven't heard, One, Manson got hurt. Some shows were cancelled. Second, daisy berkowitz passed away 2 days ago and before that happened, jeordie white was accused of rape and just NOW Manson announced that white is no longer gonna be apart of the band. It's weird how just a month ago I was looking up to jeordie along with most of the other band, he was my favourite member. And then all of a sudden Jessicka comes out and says that he raped her while they were dating a WHILE ago. But there's no reason not to believe her. There's facts, she wouldn't come out years later and announce this if it wasn't the truth. Even if they didn't have the best relationship when they were together and twiggy was drinking a lot. I just don't know what to think and I'm just gonna wait for what happens next and not choose sides, I have no right to do that.