Hey everyone! I know I haven't updated in forever! I'm sorry! It's the last little push of my AP (Advanced Placement) course (It's like taking a college course). We are almost done with the textbook in that class and once we are done, we will only have the review and the test to take. Once we finish the textbook, I should start updating a little more frequently. Plus, with track trips coming up, I should have plenty of time to write the chapters out!
As far as the next chapter goes, I'm having a major block as to how to write it, but I'm working on it! I promise!! :P When I get around to writing again, the next chapter shouldn't be too long of a wait. I'm super excited to take this series (Yes, series) the places I want it to go! I hope you all are enjoying it so far!
I wish you all the best with your own stories and any school you may be taking! Have fun and relax when you can! See you fabulous people in a couple weeks!!