
Chapter 2 of Insomniac is now out! Chapter 1 was kind of like the hook but chapter 2 is the start of the story. Hope you guys enjoy this story!


I'm so sorry guys, again, but there will not be a new chapter of The Snake Pit up today. Firstly, I have no idea what to write next (I know what needs to happen to make the story flow, I just need filler ideas). And secondly, I'm sooooooooo tired! So, once again, I'm vey sorry. This shouldn't happen again while I'm writing his book! Thank you!


So, chapter 11 of The Snake Pot has been published. This one includes some VERY serious stuff, so if you are quite sensitive, I advise you not to read it.
          This chapter is quite short, but once again, something drastic happens in it, and I thought that that was all that was needed. Hope you enjoy! (Well, hope you appreciate, not enjoy)


So, chapter 9 of The Snake Pit is now out! Read it, vote for it and tell your friend about it! Maybe? Please? Pretty please? So, this chapter was mostly just a filler to make the story flow better. However, there still is an important part of the book in the chapter. So yes, you should bother reading it! Hope you guys enjoy!


Hey guys! Once again, I am very sorry but there will not be a chapter of The Snake Pit published tonight, as I am still exhausted and feel a bit ill. Sorry about doing this to you guys again, but I wouldn't want to ruin a particularly crucial part of the story with a short and shitty chapter. Plus, it gives you guys more time to think about what could happen next, as I left you on a MASSIVE cliffhanger 
          Once again, I'm very sorry!