Oh god haha XD um ok... I havent been on wattpad for like a year... And then suddenly one of my books has a lot of reads and people are starting to follow me? Well... If people likes my books... Thats awesome! But I really doubt Im ever going to update them again xD so sorry guys but ur probably wasting ur time :P but I wont delete my account, so the books that are finished will still be there for people to enjoy ^^
  • the TARDIS
  • انضمJune 1, 2013


الرسالة الأخيرة
norwegianwhowian norwegianwhowian Jul 24, 2013 06:21PM
Hey guys!I just wanted to know what you want me to update? :)Or is it something u want me to write? Horror story for example?Just let me know :)
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