
Happy new year everyone! 


Heccccck I have to choose this month in what confirmation school I'll go. It sucks, cause there are many places that have potential, but I still don't know. Honestly though it doesn't matter as long as I get to go with my friend. Otherwise I won't survive :(
           Also I still have plenty of ideas, but I just need to plot them or do some brainstorming. We'll see.


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Oh howdy there :')
          Yes I'm dead
          I have ideas for stories and all, but I won't have time to write.
          Also me and my dumb ass signed up for some reading shit at school. I have to read 8 books in a few months ugh
          So 'til next time peeps :))


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          I got 40+ notifications in about two weeks ;-;
          I won't survive.
          I'm not back, just checking on things.
          Also managed to cry 3 times last week and it was the first damn week of school. Ugh