
Hi everyone. I have decided that I will hold off on editing TMI. I hope to finish editing by the end of the summer, but we'll see. This might be my last update in a while. Keep watching for Pure Royalty. It's coming soon :)


Hi everyone. I have decided that I will hold off on editing TMI. I hope to finish editing by the end of the summer, but we'll see. This might be my last update in a while. Keep watching for Pure Royalty. It's coming soon :)


hi everyone! i just uploaded an epilogue for The Third Miya: Isuma. This story will be going through editing for the next couple of months, after which I'll begin writing Pure Royalty, a Haikyuu Royal AU. TTMI has been marked as COMPLETE, but keep in mind that it's being edited. All the edits should be posted at once so there isn't any inconsistency (I'll work on them on a Google Doc and upload everything together) and I'll post a message when that happens. Anyways, thank you SO MUCH for reading The Third Miya: Isuma. I appreciate and value all of your support so much and definitely could have done it without you. So a thousand times over, thank you. Thank you, thank you, thank you. Be on the lookout for Pure Royalty, and read the short summary I've already posted! Love y'all <33


Hi, everyone! I posted a new chapter to TM:I last night; I hope you all enjoyed it! I just wanted to clarify a few things.
          Firstly, y'all are the sweetest. Like actually, I've received so many kind DMs and comments in the past few months and I could not be more grateful. They motivate me to keep writing, which has been really hard for me lately. So thank you endlessly for being the sweetest readers and my biggest supporters.
          A lot of you have asked how I'm doing, which is so thoughtful and sweet of you. I'm doing better, thankfully! Last spring was just a really difficult time for me; school was wrapping up, my exams were approaching, and I had recently failed a really important test I took. I felt overwhelmed and just couldn't write. Writing is and always will be a comfortable hobby for me, but at the time I just couldn't. But thank you for your concern and understanding!
          Finally, TM:I. Yes, I plan on finishing it. I hate it when I read stories and the author discontinues it, so I won't do that to you. I have a rough outline for the rest of the story and we should be wrapping things up in around 11 chapters, give or take a few. We get to meet one of my favorite OCs next chapter, and then my favorite boyfriend from Haikyuu in three chapters <3 Can't wait to introduce you all to them! 
          Again, I just wanted to thank you all for being the kindest people ever. Love you all and your support more than I can say <3


Hi :)) I'm very much alive... and I have an update about the Sakusa fanfiction. 
          It's now a Royal AU. I'm obsessed with royalty. Like so, so much. Probably why I love Kita and Akashi from Kuroko no Basket. They both give off that emperor vibe. 
          This is now a Sakusa x OC and an Iwaizumi X OC. Kita and Isuma will BOTH be in this fanfiction as the Emperor and Empress. As they already have their own story dedicated to them, they won't appear very often. As the royals, they will be mentioned and referred many times but will not appear. We already got The Third Miya: Isuma for that.
          Anyways, yeah. There's that. We stan AUs. If you don't well... go read some. 
          And yes, 'The Third Miya: Isuma' WILL be returning by the new year.


I lied: Kita and Isuma appear a lot