
… I should have continue here omfg anyway I’ve been busy for the past few months and week n also a very late happy new year… lets just hope this year would be better than last years


Ok so in December(Or where in my area it is the next month bc rn it's Novem and I have exams) I'll try to post some stories I wrote in docs.. Because well. Because I can. Ok bye


also mentally crying after reading MTMTE and yes I just read it like yesterday and I'm bawling my eyes out


frag I meant November


Hello, sorry for not being online this much, but I'm here to say, I may post some stories soon but then again because I'm quite busy due to school and stuff but in the meantime, I'll try my best to be here as much as possible. I'm so so so so so sorry that I wasn't as online as back then. Times flies you know.


Also my alt @PastryMilk will only be there for some future spoliers and such, and those old stories will be deleted soon.


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man it's already two weeks after my return to school and then soon holidays and where I live and REGARDLESS of any school you go to, there's one thing, that irritates me even more than exam: holiday homework
          like bro, I'm just tryna help myself to just a week of damn holiday but nope, gonna die in that shit, and also the rest of my hw which I keep forgetting-