Hi I'm Nat. I am a little bit
weird. Okay... Maybe A lot. I am a Capricorn and love disney. I prefer being called Bambi as it fits me but you can call me whatever you'd like. I really like spongebob and supernatural. I'm a Castiel girl. If you have any req
uests or suggestions for any of my stories feel free to PM me. If you ever need someone to talk to, again feel free to PM me.

  • RegistriertJanuary 23, 2015

Letzte Nachricht
oatmealkookies oatmealkookies Jun 11, 2016 11:49PM
Hey everybody I'm trying to be more active with my stories and it would help if you could recommend me to your friends. Please follow my friend 46_nerdy_46. Have a great day!
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Geschichten von Bambi
My Vent/One Shot Book von oatmealkookies
My Vent/One Shot Book
So in this book I will be venting and writing one shots so... Please read I do many fandoms and bands.
Fuckbuddies- a phanfiction von oatmealkookies
Fuckbuddies- a phanfiction
A story of a couple of guys, who fall in love but refuse to admit it. So they are strictly FUCKBUDDIES
Slave: A Phanfiction von oatmealkookies
Slave: A Phanfiction
Dan get's dropped off at an adoption center. This adoption center is not what it seems. SS Adoption Center Fo...
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