
Hi all, 
          	Over the next few months I'm going to be tidying up this profile, including a review of all the books in the reading lists and the content in the books.
          	This is to make sure the content I'm sharing with you is of the best possible quality and what you all actually want to be reading. 
          	Looking forward to growing this profile with you all, 
          	Hope your all doing well


Hey, so I just wanted to pop in and say that I really love and appreciate what you guys are doing here. As a Psychology student myself, I often find mental health and the entire disorder spectrum so grossly misrepresented in wattpad stories. And the worst bit is when you try and reach out to the author to let them know the right point instead, they rebuke you. 
          So I just wanted to say that this platform here, putting forth researched evidence and the truth and reality behind all kinds of disabilities, is a really beautiful and much, much needed thing for a place like wattpad. 
          Really proud of you guys. 
          - Zainab. 


Hey, I've got a story featuring a character with PoTS. It's mature content, not sure if it's okay. I did the hashtag, but if that's not okay, please let me know. Thanks!


@ejhopkins Hi! I've added it to our reading list! Thank you so much for adding the hashtag and great to see another character with PoTS <3


Hi all, 
          Over the next few months I'm going to be tidying up this profile, including a review of all the books in the reading lists and the content in the books.
          This is to make sure the content I'm sharing with you is of the best possible quality and what you all actually want to be reading. 
          Looking forward to growing this profile with you all, 
          Hope your all doing well


hi! I'm the writer of realm runner and surrounded by monsters, both of which i believe were in the reading list before on my old account? I've started over and was wondering if they could be re-added from my new account.


@SpooniePunk Hey! I re added them to the reading list, thanks for reaching out! x


Hi everyone, 
          It's been a while! A few months actually, I hope you haven't missed me too much! I've taken some time out to focus on my University studies and for some 'me' time. Over the next few months I'm going to slowly get started again, posting new chapters and promoting some of the best disability and illness related books Wattpad has too offer. 
          Let me know if there is something you would like to see happen, if you have a poem or short story you want to submit to our collections or adding to our reading list! 
          It's good to be back, hope you are all doing OK. 
          Much love, 


Welcome back!


I'm not one for self promotion. In fact in two years this is the first time I've done it! But this book means a lot to me, and I know it will resonate with a lot of you as well as it deals with the darker sides of mental health. 
          If you could check it out and give it a comment and vote if you enjoyed it that would be awesome! 
          I've entered it into the #opennovellacontest so any love will be appreciated! 
          Hope you are all well <3 
          Rachael xoxo


Good morning!
          I sent a PM to @rachaelmole earlier about posting some excerpts from my disability guide on the #visible blog, but I haven't gotten a response back. I figuered that inquiring here would be the next logical step. Could you please get in touch at your earliest convenience?


Hope I’ve answered all your questions! Sadly things can get quiet on visible when I’m away from my laptop and taking a self care break as it’s just me on the profile! Sorry for keeping you waiting :) 


Hello there,
          I have a story with a disability that I dont believe you covered: muteness. I think most people might feel is not an diability, but I do. The story is called The Jar of Souls. I would like to know how I can get my book in your reading list.


@Netshaly if you have tagged your story #visible, DM me a link and I will add it! Thanks for the interest :)