you're with me on this mission? says who.

* ₁ @offmutt: (Cut, cut, cut. Gojo has to hurt the other before the other could manage to hurt him. Perhaps he’s already hurt by Nikolai’s words but he still wears a smile nevertheless.) Then how about seriously considering leaving? Let me handle this. After all, I’d finish it faster if I don’t have to worry about you. (A pause, slightly irked by the next comment but he manages to release a chuckle. Though he can’t stop the way his brows quirk into a small crease,) Better personality? Right. (A hand falls onto his chin,) We fell on the wrong foot! How about this, you just follow me and stay quiet. I like you better when you’re talking anyways. Well. (His smile falters, staring aimlessly ahead but it seemed that his Six Eyes already found something.) The curse is nearby, let’s go.

@6THEYES: ⠀[A wince forms on Nikolai’s face, averting his gaze from anywhere else but Gojo.] You’re not wrong.. I-I don’t wanna die. We aren’t even adults yet.. [He nervously drums his fingers against his thigh, a long, awkward silence occuring between the two before he finally glances upwards from his sitting position,] You might be better in terms of jujutsu, but at least I have a personality.. [A loud cough,] Ahem.. Sorry. T-That slipped..

* ₁ @offmutt: (His eyes darken, blue irises staring down at the other with his hands sliding into the pockets of his uniform.) They do say one thing, that I’m practically better than everyone. That includes you. (A pause, and a shrug.) Might as well quit being a sorcerer considering you’ll probably die on the field! After all, you’re not untouchable.