
Heyyyyyy (〃^▽^〃) my bestest friend ever ..


@doktrzm:⠀ ‘m sorry..  (T_T)  um.. well.. we can always beg for money ( ̄∀ ̄)  or rob someone!! let’s rob gojo :D he’s~ looooaaaaaaded~ hehe.. he’s got that clan money and everything!!!!!


whaaat!!! \(º □ º l|l)/	 all of your money!?!!!!! 。゜゜(´O`) ゜゜。how am i going to get the next volume for my bleach collection?! but can i see mister pompompurin though hehe..  (ᵔ.ᵔ) need to figure out how to get bleach money, though, ..


@doktrzm: ⠀oh, hiii! ♪(๑ᴖ◡ᴖ๑)♪!!!!!! um.. i dunno if i can.. i’m a bit broke now (´༎ຶོρ༎ຶོ`) i spent all my money on claw machines yesterday..  i got mister pompompurin, hehe ( ̄∇ ̄)


well, don't die on me here.


@6THEYES:⠀ A mess.. Y-Y’know, I could’ve been crushed under the rubble.  [A grumble, he huffs, shakily standing up on his two feet. The back of Nikolai’s palm wipes the blood from the one or two scratches present on his face — he stares at the blood, feeling replused at the sight, glancing upwards with a blink,]  Uh..  [He shifts, frowning, but the sound of ‘dinner’ was definitely tempting.]  Unless you’re paying..  And you get me some Kobe beef..  And maybe some blue fin tuna..  And then I’ll maybe join — (My mouth definitely isn’t watering at this point..) 


@offmutt  a mess?   [   with an innocent tilt of his head,  Gojo’s head turns to the scene unfolded in front of the two of them.  a hand raising to lightly brush aside the rubble that settles perfectly atop of his shoulder.    ]    not necessarily,  HOWEVER,  it was definitely quite the show!   [   a grin falls onto his lips,  a laugh falling past his lips.   ]   and we got the job done in seconds,  let's go for dinner.


@6THEYES: ⠀?! W-Well, if you maybe, didn’t, uh — cause such a mess..  [He forcibly pushes the rubble and debris away, appearing annoyed for a split-second,]  Did you really have to do that..


Not quite,  try again.  


@offmutt    Sigh…     (Augh)    I don’t agree with that.    Is it because it’s yellow…   And I’m a blond is that it   ^^;   .       I’m no good at these claw games, can you get Pompompurin for me??


@over7-3:⠀ yaaaaaayyyyyy!!! ♪(๑ᴖ◡ᴖ๑)♪ 〜 Oooh, how ‘bout getting Mister Pompompurin????? He looks like you, Nanami!


That’s not really playing then,   @offmutt.   It’s on the easiest difficulty— just follow the arrows.    But.    If you’re not a fan only force you.   Let’s try the claw machine then.


Such a glutton for punishment. 


໒      ᴾᴬᴳᴱ ᴵ          ⨾   1  /   1        ──────────       
                      HER OWN.  IT SHOULD.  THIS 
                          CLOSENESS,  THE PROXIMITY
            With another human could make her crawl out of her skin.  When’s the last time she’s ever been so   […]    close.   To another living,   breathing human.   She feels flesh.   She feels a pulse.   Hot,   searing;  blood pumping through veins.   If she could just— squeeze.   Maybe the life would leave his body    &    she could have her cold solitude once more.   Nikolai is an intrusion that should be removed.   Permanently.  So,  Yua squeezes more.  There’s a fear in her eyes that hasn’t been seen since she was a child.   Hands tremor against the heat of Nikolai’s throat.   If you really listened,  you could hear a weak whimper that escapes the Nameless.   A cry,  maybe.   
                                      SHE SHOULD END IT ALL
                                      MAYBE END HERSELF IN
                                      THE PROCESS.  
                                      SOMEHOW, NIKOLAI’S 
                                      PROPOSAL WAS—- 
                           ᵗʰᵉ ⁿᵃᵐᵉˡᵉˢˢ‧    〞 You will die by                     
                           my hands—- why are you so
                           so willing to die for God who 
                           did not create you!   Why ﹖
                           What makes you think I’ll turn
                           what keeps you coming back
                           Faith.   Devotion. Or maybe the 
                           loss of my own sanity ﹖   YOU 
                           ARE FILTH. DISGUSTING,   
                           LOWLY FILTH. I wish the earth
                           could swallow you up and spit
                           you                out.   〞


═ㅤ═     &    「   結         匿名
            おっこつ    」  Y.O ▕   N. 
                           ᵗʰᵉ ⁿᵃᵐᵉˡᵉˢˢ‧    〞 You will never                     
                           know peace,  not until the day
                           you die,  Nikolai.  Murder will
                           not fix this system— the cogs
                           have been broken since you 
                           were born.  So do not talk to
                           me like you—﹖ ﹖  Like you 
                           know me.  Know my desires.
                           I’M.   I.   [...]  I would never.  I 
                           could never—  make an — 
                           an example,  with the likes of 
                           you. You’re no angel of death. 
                           You’re no angel at all. Please.  
                           leave.  I am no Geto. I am 
                           better than him— than that.  
                           If I am burdened with fixing 
                           the world,  then so be it. I 
                           will watch you crumble as I 
                           do it.      〞


ᵀ̲ᴼ̲⠀@UNEARTHED,  [The hand latched onto his neck, and for a brief moment, his face is panicked, appearing like that scared boy back at Jujutsu Tech, always seem to be he was one second away from bursting into tears in the spot. Eyes, wide, filled with fear at the possibility of the faceless apparition putting him down like some damn mutt (but he is one, isn’t he? A good mutt for the worst of all curse users — his own personal Buddha.) Yet, the mutt’s own mouth pulls back into a mocking smile, his eyes brimming with glee; fingers delicately wraps around the Nameless’s wrist, though does not pull the hand away from his throat.]  Aha,  [He laughs, though his voice cracks,]  Jujutsu society is corrupt, you and I know this. Filled with old men that try to uphold their failing, ‘traditional’ principles. They send teenagers to their deaths and no one bats an eye, only bending to their will. We know this. You know this.  [And he dares to take one step closer — Too close for comfort, leaning into her hand around his throat as his voice decrescendos into a whisper,]  Slaughtering them like the dogs they are would be so much better — wouldn’t you say? Nobody would dare to take their spot if we made an example of them. Their corpses strung for all to see.  [A pause. He acts to tempt her into his maddened ideals, to give the Nameless a push to spiral — just like him.]  Right?


If  you  wanted   death  by  my   hands,   you  could’ve  expressed   that.  


═ㅤ═     &    「   結         匿名
            おっこつ    」  Y.O ▕   N. 
                           ᵗʰᵉ ⁿᵃᵐᵉˡᵉˢˢ‧    〞 My aggression                     
                           is what keeps me alive,     […] 
                           believe or not.  You’re here 
                           for a reason.    State it.   You 
                           haven’t attacked yet, so it’s 
                           safe to assume Suguru Gēto
                           sent you here with a purpose, 
                           no ﹖ 
                               It’s always a wonder on
                           how you sick creatures find 
                           your way into my school, my 
                           abode.  [A pause,]   You’re so                      
                           persistent.    It is infuriating. 
                           Should I kill you where you 
                           stand ﹖ ﹖    Death,  by my 
                           hands.  You could’ve been 
                           excellent,  Nikolai.   One of our 
                           own.  An absolute power in 
                           our ranks.        〞
            ໒      ᴾᴬᴳᴱ ᴵ          ⨾   1  /   1        ──────────       
                 YUA’S VOICE RINGS OUT IN THE 
                      SANCTUM.   SHE IS EVERYTHING,  
                          AND EVERYWHERE  
            (But,)  nothing all at once.   Yua never appreciated Nikolai’s ability to comprehend her very spirit. To form   &    craft some sort of visualization of her shapeless being.  To be seen is a fear, to be known is a weakness.   Through paranoia   &    madness, Yua feels seen by Nikolai.   Even within the domain,  the false sanctuary of safety is distorted.  The smell of sandalwood is putrid,  Chinese script is incomprehensible.  It’s all a delusion. 
                               NIKOLAI ABUSES THAT.  
                    WHEN YUA STEPS AWAY, he draws closer.   She desires to flee back to the safety of her balcony,  watching life from above.   The puppeteer of her show.   Instead of cowardice,  she strikes an acupuncture  needle within a pressure point of his foot.
                           ᵗʰᵉ ⁿᵃᵐᵉˡᵉˢˢ‧    〞 Don’t move 
                           a step closer.  I’m no stranger 
                                   to violence.     〞


ᵀ̲ᴼ̲⠀@UNEARTHD,⠀ You’re always so unnecessarily aggressive, y’know?  [A step is taken forward — daringly, mocking the Nameless. Eyes, a dull void, bore into the face of the faceless; a blurred face, staring into the faceless apparition.]  You could always loosen up — get that stick out of your ass, for once. A possible lifestyle change.