
A littleeeeee late, but happy birthday Gakushuu!! I’m still your number one fan and although I’ve taken off my book I should be returning soon <3 how is everyone? I probably won’t get a reply but if anyone is reading this remember to eat three times a day, drink lots of water and stay safe! 
          	Signing off-Rikka 


A littleeeeee late, but happy birthday Gakushuu!! I’m still your number one fan and although I’ve taken off my book I should be returning soon <3 how is everyone? I probably won’t get a reply but if anyone is reading this remember to eat three times a day, drink lots of water and stay safe! 
          Signing off-Rikka 


Hey guys! Sorry I’ve been gone for so long, I’ve just had no motivation to finish the story so I unpublished it. I hate that I used domestic abuse as a story line and misrepresented it. I am planning to write a new Gakushu book and was wondering for ideas or what you guys would like to see. If enough people want it I might redo the first book and publish it. If there’s anything you guys want please let me know! Remember to eat three times a day and drink lots of water, take care of yourselves!! 
          Signing off-Rikka 


A little late but happy birthday to Gakushuu!! Sorry I’ve been gone for so long, how are you guys? 


@obsessedwithasano school is stressing everybody out but I’m glad you made it out alive. You just reminded me of my final exams 


@oh_Rikka school stressing me out but all was good  SO GLAD YOU'RE DOING WELL


@obsessedwithasano HELLO!! Mine was pretty good! How was yours?


NEW CHAPTER WILL BE POSTED ON SATURDAY! From now on instead of Fridays I will be posting every Saturday/Sundays! Make sure to eat three times a day and drink lots of water, stay safe!
          Signing off- Rikka 


@Yuri999_Otaku glad to see your excited!! 




Merry Christmas/ Happy holidays everyone! Have a wonderful New Years, and remember someone out there cares for you. Catch up with old friends or take a shower, do whatever you want but make sure to get out of bed. I understand 2021 was a bit of a struggle for some but it’s alright, a new start is happening and I love you. Make sure to eat three times a day and drink lots of water. Stay safe and take care of yourself!
          Signing off- Rikka 


I JUST HAD A BIG BRAIN MOMENT, WATCH ME DELETE THE CHAPTER THAT WAS SUPPOSED TO UPDATE TODAY FOR A BETTER IDEA. Omg I just merged my two brain cells and I came up for a better ending, a chapter will be posted today of course! Let me just go delete and write. Stay safe everyone!
          Signing off- Rikka 


I can’t post much anymore because my parents forgot I needed glasses which I broke like 6 years ago and they realized my eyesight is crap and now they won’t let me do anything with a screen. I’m sneaking my phone to do this right now so I’ll sneak it again so I can write but for now keep still!  
          Make sure to eat three times a day and drink lots of water and stay safe. 
          Signing off- Rikka


@obsessedwithasano ah ty! You’re so sweet, I’ll have a update out by next week!!


@oh_Rikka hope you get em new glasses soon! i really love your fanfics and i enjoy them very much. rest your eyes if needed! stay safe author <3


Hey guys! I wont post this week because I decided to catch up with a few friends, I promise the next chapter I post I’ll make it longer than 500 words. Until then make sure to eat three times a day and drink lots of water, stay safe everyone!
          Signing off- Rikka