Ok, so I just finished part 4 ep 4 of Soul Eater and I am pumped. So you know those parts where Stein is gone in this crazy mad world? Well at all of those parts I was so scared i was barely breathing. Weezing actually. And the medusa parts, i could feel my face red with rage. And when i found out he went with Medusa I was at first really calm. Then I noticed he was with Medusa. So I started to panic again. So...basically i want to beat up Medusa, hug Crona and just confort Stein. Because I liked Steins character when he came on screen. He made me giggle for a second. Understand him for a minute. And fangirl over him the whole time. Welpm this is just me being a fn' fangirl. (This is the first time im fangirling this helard on a character)