I definitely believe in the right to protest, especially for this. Everything that's happened recently, and literally all the time, is awful and needs to be stopped. But aggressive protests are just going to send a bad message in my opinion. I get that it needs to be heard, and reading what you said about what's happened even to peaceful protesters, it makes me sick. But I feel like all the aggression and violence doesn't help, in fact it gives the Police legal reason to arrest people and will make people see the whole movement as bad. Plus, like @marvelfan1012345 said, some Police are trying their best and are actually good at their job. The thing about all Cops choosing to work for this system, some chose to work for the system that arrests criminals and keeps people safe.
I can never understand what it's like to be black, as I am white. But I do know that some people are using this movement for their own gain and to riot and loot, while they don't actually care about what's going on. When people see any type of violence or aggression, they start to either believe they can d the same with no consequences, or that everything linked with this particular violence/aggression is bad and violent. It's sad that the world works the way it does, but I don't believe aggression is the answer. I do respect everyone's opinions (not the racist ones though, obviously...) but I just don't see violence working how people are hoping it will. :(