Hi! Thank you so much for voting on and reading Thousand Years! ಡ ͜ ʖ ಡ Hope you had a good time :)

@Laughsmileseek Sweetheart, You have all my love, respect and admiration. See you over the bridge of words or on the roads of some pages someday. All my love<3

I believe you!! And AAAH. Your message means so much to me! Knowing that you felt so much has made the story even more precious now. It was the best time of my (writing) life, honestly. A rollercoaster of emotions. And to know I could take you on the ride too, is everything I aspire for. So many consensual hugs for the tears :') I shall remember this message when I don't feel so good about my writing. Hopefully, someday another story will make a way to you. BUT AAAH. Waiting a decade, wow, thank you for your generosity of praise and love. I can't tell you how much it meant to me. Please take care. See you in another tale, Laughsmileseek.

@Laughsmileseek You won't believe me but I was just about to write a message to you. I couldn't do it yesterday as my emotions were just everywhere when I finished the story. So here it is. You made me smile, laugh, cry, ponder and hope. All with a single story. It was so so beautiful that I have no words. It was so pure , I have never felt such emotions as I felt reading it. I was crying so much and then my mum suddenly entered my room and saw me crying, she was a bit worried. But only her hug calmed me down. I hope you know that you tucked my heart strings. I genuinely wish to read more from you but I can wait even a decade for that, so no worries. All my love <3