
this message may be offensive
Umm, Hi
          	Yes I m alive, barely lol
          	I have had my share of bad years( yes not days) but 2020 was another level.
          	Have lost too many people,  some right in front of my eyes.
          	Had the most panic attacks and depressed days in 2020. But somewhere I think this year taught me more things than I had the privilege to know in my entire life. Maybe some part of me will miss this year ( yes, surprise), but I m far more excited for what 2021 is going to bring.
          	Yes, I know 2021 is yet another big plot twist in all of our lives, but I sure as hell hope for it to be a good and joyous one. But after facing 2020 head on, I m ready for whatever shit is going to come my way in 2021, so bring it on.
          	On the side note, I really really wish that this year brings all the happiness we all deserve after 2020, and I hope you all get all the love in the world because YOU ALL DESERVE IT ❤ 
          	WITH ALL THE LOVE ❤❤


Hi! Thank you so much for voting on and reading Thousand Years! ಡ⁠ ͜⁠ ⁠ʖ⁠ ⁠ಡ Hope you had a good time :)


@Laughsmileseek Sweetheart, You have all my love, respect and admiration.
            See you over the bridge of words or on the roads of some pages someday. 
            All my love<3


I believe you!! And AAAH. Your message means so much to me! Knowing that you felt so much has made the story even more precious now. It was the best time of my (writing) life, honestly. A rollercoaster of emotions. And to know I could take you on the ride too, is everything I aspire for. So many consensual hugs for the tears :') I shall remember this message when I don't feel so good about my writing. 
            Hopefully, someday another story will make a way to you. BUT AAAH. Waiting a decade, wow, thank you for your generosity of praise and love. I can't tell you how much it meant to me. 
            Please take care. 
            See you in another tale,


@Laughsmileseek You won't believe me but I was just about to write a message to you. I couldn't do it yesterday as my emotions were just everywhere when I finished the story. So here it is. 
            You made me smile, laugh, cry, ponder and hope. All  with a single story. It was so so beautiful that I have no words. It was so pure , I have never felt such emotions as I felt reading it. I was crying so much and then my mum suddenly entered my room and saw me crying, she was a bit worried. But only her hug calmed me down. I hope you know that you tucked my heart strings.
            I genuinely wish to read more from you but I can wait even a decade for that, so no worries. 
            All my love <3


Thank you so much for showing so much love to my story! Your kind encouragement means the world to me :) <3


@sendhelpandholyh2o Oh no love, I should be the one to thank you for writing such amazing stories. Both of your books, only you and the one shots, are truly such incredible written documents. I am truly a fan of your writing and look forward to more such amazing stories from you.
            All the love <3


this message may be offensive
Umm, Hi
          Yes I m alive, barely lol
          I have had my share of bad years( yes not days) but 2020 was another level.
          Have lost too many people,  some right in front of my eyes.
          Had the most panic attacks and depressed days in 2020. But somewhere I think this year taught me more things than I had the privilege to know in my entire life. Maybe some part of me will miss this year ( yes, surprise), but I m far more excited for what 2021 is going to bring.
          Yes, I know 2021 is yet another big plot twist in all of our lives, but I sure as hell hope for it to be a good and joyous one. But after facing 2020 head on, I m ready for whatever shit is going to come my way in 2021, so bring it on.
          On the side note, I really really wish that this year brings all the happiness we all deserve after 2020, and I hope you all get all the love in the world because YOU ALL DESERVE IT ❤ 
          WITH ALL THE LOVE ❤❤


Thanks for following mw it means a lot 


I think we are going to be great friends! 


@Animewarrior2 Bro, you seriously don't need to thank me for it. I like making friends. So I m kinda always here for you❤️


Thank you so much for voting my story "Memories"
          Hope you like and enjoy the story 
          It would be a pleasure if you check out my other stories too... if you have time ❤❤❤


@originalpiece I'm glad you love it ♥️ and thank you so much again for following me T_T Please enjoy my other stories too... I'll try to improve and write more in the future ❤


@PurpleHeart9795 Awww sis I absolutely loved it. Your writing is incredible, I was so hooked that I couldn't stop myself from finishing it. I badly wanted to comment but I was somewhere where I couldn't, so I m sorry bout that. And I m so looking forward to your other stories as well. Every single one of them is interesting. Keep going❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️


this message may be offensive
Ummm Hey, it's been a long time but I just couldn't stay silent. I have to say something.
          Everyone knows what's happening. The world in which we are living isn't exactly in its ideal form and no I m not talking about Corona virus. It's a thing which is not in our control but would you say the same thing about our minds. You don't learn to be a Racist, a homophobe, a Rapist, an islamophobic  or in general a f*cking a**hole over night. It's something that you have been for all this time long. So if you are one of those people, shame on you if you even consider yourself a human. YOU ARE NOT!!!
          Look around you, do you really want to grow up in a place like this...a place which is worst than hell. Do you really want your children to grow up in a place like this. If yes, then what the h*ll will you tell that 6 year old girl when she asks you what wrong her father had committed to be treated like this, it would be better if you fabricate a lie than telling her that it was cause he was of a different color. DISGUSTING!!!
           What the f*CK is even a color, another b*llsh*t made by those a*ssh*les who think they are superior. 
          No color, sex, relegion, gender identity or sexual orientation can define what place I hold in this so called society. #Blacklivesmatter


So like it's been forever since I wanted a Taekook fanfic based on what's wrong with secretary kim but I haven't found one till now which makes me sad :-(
          I Also desperately need a Chanbaek fanfic based on Crazy Rich Asians, cause it's been months since I saw this trailer on YouTube and I have been dying for it to happen T_T
          If you wanna watch the trailer here's the link  


Time for RANT!!!!
          GOT7 is a group who is so underestimated. Like they deserve so much more but people are sleeping on them. Since their debut they had only released master pieces but still some people don't even know about them which is very weird. They are also one of the funniest people I have ever known.
          So in conclusion if you haven't heard about GOT7 and JJProject yet and if you haven't given them a listen, I suggest you do because you dear are missing out on some major bops.
          P.S.- Do listen Tomorrow Today by JJProject and stream their new album DYE!!!!


@IshikaKharola Oh no everything's good bro❤️❤️


@originalpiece oh definitely not and yes i definitely understand and sorry if i got off the wrong hand, i didn't mean it in that way aha, but thank you for...enlightening me more~~ ❤️❤️❤️


@IshikaKharola Awwwww, you don't have to feel awkward at all bro, I understand. But as far as it is about challenging each other, I don't think that is true. Especially when both of these groups are really good friends. And don't you think if they are in the same business people are obviously going to pin them as challengers which is far from the truth. Both of these groups( and all the other artists as well)  just want people out there to listen of their songs, they just want to do what they love and that is music. 
            Myself being a multi, I think if  you don't even give others a try or listen just cause you think it as competition is just not right. Music has no competition, it's just emotions and feels isn't it????
            Btw if in any way I offended you, I m sorry❤️