
          	I once joined a fanfic competition with Plan B and was told there was no character development, which prompted me to believe that they hadn't read my book, but who knows? Since then, I pride myself on character development.
          	Plan B) they did not understand each other. Leila started not wanting a relationship or kids, to falling in love, being married with children. Both characters gave up so much for each other.
          	The Void) they were toxic, but loved each other deeply.  Even though they broke each other's hearts in the most awful way, they became better in the end for themselves. Not for each other. 
          	Waiting For Us) not over, but I watched as everyone began to flip on who the bad guy was and as a writer i loved it. Everyone was angry at Jean and dubbed him the villain but found that wasn't the case at all. The main characters blamed each other for what they themselves created. They're still figuring it out lol
          	I say all this because I think I just want to reiterate that though characters in my stories make some questionable and horrible decisions, they are supposed to be human. IRL, everyone is a villain in another's story. We play a part in the building/destruction of others whether we want to admit it or not. Humans are at times selfish and self-centered, more worried about how things affect our own lives as opposed to others. 
          	I've watched people call my characters the worst names in the book, and you are entitled to as I've opened it to public opinion lol. But I hope that through the stories, if I've done a good enough job, I can open your eyes to the fact that things are not black/white or as cut/dry as you may believe. There isn't always a good or bad guy. Life and people are complex. We will make mistakes and hopefully learn from them. The goal is to eventually become someone who doesn't cause pain or heartache to others. Sry for the long message, but I just wanted to get this off my mind as it's been brewing for some months lol❤️


@Greg_isAwesome stooopppppp!!! *ugly crying ensues per usual* you are amazing. Did you know that?  Thanks for re downloading wattpad just to read my update. I'm so grateful and hopefully you know that! And also thank you for always understanding my vision and loving my characters. You have talked me through soooo manu chapters.  It's not always someone(me) will be lucky enough to find a friend like you .


@oxMoonxChildxo ohh moon! I love your stories! I will definitely defend every character you create, but me hating on eggman is mean. Sorry, I even forgot him name. Know that I'm your biggest supporter! Literally redownload Wattpad for you, Leila and Mia. You know how I love that kid. I swear she exists in an alternate timeline. 
          	  Forgive this retired racoon for they get distracted with the real world. But if you need me to fight battles, I'm in. And anyone who says your book doesn't have character development honestly didn't read it. We listen. We judge. Well maybe just me. I judge. 
          	  Be prepared to be spammed. Just saying


Thanks for being so amazing and making me feel like I'm on cloud 9 whenever I read you guys comments. I had replied to some of you guys individually but it looks like they never posted. But I appreciate you all, the competition was a long time ago and shouldn't affect me but sometimes when I see ppl make comments about how annoying some of my characters are being it gets to me. Even though they're not real lol.  I like making them flawed so that they can grow into something better. 


@Arait007 It happened so long ago, and I'd love to say it didn't bother me, but I'm still bringing it up, lol. I'd also love to say I don't want to seek validation, but that's probably a lie lmaooo. I appreciate your kind words always and how much love you always show to my writing!
           I think I just had to get it off my chest now bc I've been getting so many comments where ppl are solely making the males in my stories seem innocent and maybe that's bc of the Fandom we're in. But it's like....it's not actually them. This one is gonna be a butthole sometimes, and that's intentional lol


          I once joined a fanfic competition with Plan B and was told there was no character development, which prompted me to believe that they hadn't read my book, but who knows? Since then, I pride myself on character development.
          Plan B) they did not understand each other. Leila started not wanting a relationship or kids, to falling in love, being married with children. Both characters gave up so much for each other.
          The Void) they were toxic, but loved each other deeply.  Even though they broke each other's hearts in the most awful way, they became better in the end for themselves. Not for each other. 
          Waiting For Us) not over, but I watched as everyone began to flip on who the bad guy was and as a writer i loved it. Everyone was angry at Jean and dubbed him the villain but found that wasn't the case at all. The main characters blamed each other for what they themselves created. They're still figuring it out lol
          I say all this because I think I just want to reiterate that though characters in my stories make some questionable and horrible decisions, they are supposed to be human. IRL, everyone is a villain in another's story. We play a part in the building/destruction of others whether we want to admit it or not. Humans are at times selfish and self-centered, more worried about how things affect our own lives as opposed to others. 
          I've watched people call my characters the worst names in the book, and you are entitled to as I've opened it to public opinion lol. But I hope that through the stories, if I've done a good enough job, I can open your eyes to the fact that things are not black/white or as cut/dry as you may believe. There isn't always a good or bad guy. Life and people are complex. We will make mistakes and hopefully learn from them. The goal is to eventually become someone who doesn't cause pain or heartache to others. Sry for the long message, but I just wanted to get this off my mind as it's been brewing for some months lol❤️


@Greg_isAwesome stooopppppp!!! *ugly crying ensues per usual* you are amazing. Did you know that?  Thanks for re downloading wattpad just to read my update. I'm so grateful and hopefully you know that! And also thank you for always understanding my vision and loving my characters. You have talked me through soooo manu chapters.  It's not always someone(me) will be lucky enough to find a friend like you .


@oxMoonxChildxo ohh moon! I love your stories! I will definitely defend every character you create, but me hating on eggman is mean. Sorry, I even forgot him name. Know that I'm your biggest supporter! Literally redownload Wattpad for you, Leila and Mia. You know how I love that kid. I swear she exists in an alternate timeline. 
            Forgive this retired racoon for they get distracted with the real world. But if you need me to fight battles, I'm in. And anyone who says your book doesn't have character development honestly didn't read it. We listen. We judge. Well maybe just me. I judge. 
            Be prepared to be spammed. Just saying


Thanks for being so amazing and making me feel like I'm on cloud 9 whenever I read you guys comments. I had replied to some of you guys individually but it looks like they never posted. But I appreciate you all, the competition was a long time ago and shouldn't affect me but sometimes when I see ppl make comments about how annoying some of my characters are being it gets to me. Even though they're not real lol.  I like making them flawed so that they can grow into something better. 


Hi everyone! Before 12am my time just want to wish everyone a happy new year! Thank you to those who stuck by even though I took literal months to post! Hope you all enjoyed the update today and are ready for the next one.  Hopefully I'll find some inspiration and can get it out to you all as soon as possible. 
          Again Happy New Year! Be safe and healthy! 


@oxMoonxChildxo is it too late to say Happy New Year??!! But I wish you happiness this year!! Maybe malaise not swamp us too much this year.  


Happy new year indeed! Looking forward to a namjoon fanfic. Thanks 


heyyyyy moon i'm backkkkkkk how have you been? <3


@oxMoonxChildxo ive been super busy (i forgot to reply lol sorry) ive been sick on and off but other than that life is hectic as always haha 


@kooklovesmintchoco what up girly pop! I've been alright, a little busy with life in general. Haven't had time to post or be on here much but I'm alive ! Lol how have you been ?


Hey author ...I'm not pressurising you or anything but do you any idea when will you upload next chapter of waiting for us?


No worries author take you time ....we love you


@oxMoonxChildxo take ur time hun dont worry i look forward to whenever it is updated x 


@9876jk hey ! I'm so sorry I'm taking so long. Things are a little overwhelming and crazy rn. I'm working on an update just haven't gotten it finishes just yet but I will!