
I'll be changing my book cover so don't get confused and please tell me if it's good or not, I'll be very grateful.


Hello everyone!
           So..it's been quite a while since I've made any progress on my book and I'm thinking about making some changes..some huge changes.
          - Reasons and Changes are:
          Firstly, the story is not getting interesting. Even I am not really interested in writing it anymore.
          Secondly, The characters, especially BTS members except Jungkook aren't playing such an important role so I want to change some things for e.g, I'll switch roles so the story can include them more and yes, they will be playing main leads.
          Lastly, The character personalities are not really what I wanted them to be, especially Lara, Jungkook and stuff so I'm gonna also work on that.  
          - Why?
          When I first started writing the book I didn't really pay attention to the story at all and I also wrote whatever came to my mind, one of the reasons it has grammatical errors and its getting boring. When I was editing it I noticed these things so I have decided to unpublish my book and write it again.
          The story and the plot will remain the same, its just that I'm gonna work on making the story more appealing and interesting, developing character personalities, and switching some roles.
          I apologize because it's all my fault I didn't really pay attention while writing so I'll be unpublishing my book. Writing a book is not easy at all and it was getting kind of hard to continue because of exams, especially since my finals are starting next month.
          - You can read my book again because I would've definitely made some changes in the story by then, especially regarding the main female lead and BTS, I'm also deciding whether I should change the name *Lara* to something better and unique.
           I'll be sure to update and come back with an exciting story soon so till then take care and stay safe!
                                                                                                                                           - Author


Hi guys! I started editing my book because even I know it didn't have the best grammar or anything but now I am carefully editing everything, from chapter 1 till the end so first I'm gonna edit this book and then I'll upload. You guys can read the chapters again if you want. That's all I have to say, so till then stay safe and take care!


Hey guys, I couldn't upload today as I had no internet at all, it just started working a while ago and the network is having issues again. I'm also deleting the schedule thingy cuz its there just to give you false hope *lol* BUT I promise I'll post twice a week and uhm hopefully I can post tomorrow, thank you so much and have a great day/night!


Hey guys, first of all I am sorry for not uploading today. The issue is that I could not access Wattpad since Saturday as it is prohibited in my country? I don't know but whenever I tried using the website an error showed up. I had to search for tutorials on Youtube and stuff and now I can finally access Wattpad after changing network DNS, IP address something. The chapter is written but I have to go through it for any grammar mistakes and edit a few parts so I will not be able to post. Also if anyone can help me in why I can't access Wattpad in my country or if it is my internet fault as I have no idea what is going on. I again apologize for the trouble.


@Cathrine_Black sure, I'll msg u later <3


@jiminscafe79 oh ok. If you want to tell me, you can tell me personally!


Hey Guys! I am back after 3 days *lol* but still I got some new followers so thank you to everyone. I am really sorry for being inactive for a while as my exams are going on and I have barely time to rest so please forgive me as I was unable to post but a good news is that I will post today and on Friday and hopefully Saturday as well so I'll try my best. Once again thank you to everyone supporting me and have a great day/night! <3


@jiminscafe79 noice but do nut forget to rest


Awww thanks for following me 
          I really appreciate it
          Because I don't write any book or stuff,
           just read whenever I am free  to relive stress because of school.
          And I will always be there whenever you want to vent out your frustration or need someone to talk to okay?
          Just message me whenever you want 


@Riajais i never wake up that earlyy except for going to school lol


@Riajais yeah I also saw that I did lol I forgot


@Riajais and yes you did reply. 