
Four chapter update to Asterism ❤️ So happy to be back finally!! Thank you all for your kindness and patience :) 


@partiallyprecarious I love you so much. you don't understand how much I love you. If your book was published, I'd buy it. If it was a movie, I'd watch it. Oh god, it needs to be turned into a movie. You're literally my favorite author. Only reason I'm still on wattpad lol


After years coming back to wattpad just to see if there are updates of this book, this series of books are absolutly my favorite, thank you and don’t ever stop writing, you have so much talent


me opening wattpad for the first time in a year to see this update yayayayay


I don't have words. Normally, I won't read teen love stories, but I absolutely love this story from the first book. You have a wonderful talent. Please don't ever stop writing. I can't wait for the next update. Thank you for this roller-coaster. I have felt so many emotions throughout this series.


I appreciate you for not judging a series by its genre and checking it out anyway, and I’m so glad it’s gone beyond the typical love story and became so much more. That was always the intention. Thanks for being here :) 


Four chapter update to Asterism ❤️ So happy to be back finally!! Thank you all for your kindness and patience :) 


@partiallyprecarious I love you so much. you don't understand how much I love you. If your book was published, I'd buy it. If it was a movie, I'd watch it. Oh god, it needs to be turned into a movie. You're literally my favorite author. Only reason I'm still on wattpad lol


After years coming back to wattpad just to see if there are updates of this book, this series of books are absolutly my favorite, thank you and don’t ever stop writing, you have so much talent


me opening wattpad for the first time in a year to see this update yayayayay


Hi I really enjoyed your books your character really spoke to me and it's been hard finding a good book lately. I do not know why you stopped writing but just wanted you to know that your words the way you write is mesmerising and just inspiring. Hope you are okey ❤️