
@little_missy_5187 lol that's pretty scary I think doing a story would be fun!!


@peaceout10 yeah, actually! I'm so happy, my mum's frying chips. I took a fry but it burnt my tounge. I learn from my mistakes. We were talking about going on holiday in July but then she said since we're getting a new car, let's wait until December so we can go Australia. I'm so exited since in December it's summer for them so that'll make up for not going in the summer holidays.


@little_missy_5187 lol that's pretty scary I think doing a story would be fun!!


@peaceout10 yeah, actually! I'm so happy, my mum's frying chips. I took a fry but it burnt my tounge. I learn from my mistakes. We were talking about going on holiday in July but then she said since we're getting a new car, let's wait until December so we can go Australia. I'm so exited since in December it's summer for them so that'll make up for not going in the summer holidays.


okay so the weirdest and scariest thing happened on boxing day. me and my mum just can back from Tesco's  ( it's like your version of Target I think) and we were putting the foot in the boot when from out of nowhere this guy comes out of the car next to us and makes this weird sound at me and I'm so scared cuz the guy was like a giant and I'm like a midget compared. This other guy just as tall comes out and stagger out and they say merry Christmas and ask if we are having a nice time and my mum says merry Christmas then shoves me in the front seat. I asked what happened and she said they were drunk and she could smell it off them. I had a blocked nose. IT WAS SO SCARY.


@little_missy_5187 sorry sp I meant to say food


@little_missy_5187 you're already having terms? We have ours I think last couple days of school or something


@peaceout10 what is mean by terms in that our school year gets separated into 3 terms called autumn,  spring and summer terms. those terms are splits into half terms and every half term we get a week off school. but our spring half term is the easter holidays which lasts 3 weeks, I think u guys call it spring break or something?