
Trolling myself today by publishing the first story I ever wrote. I'm opening it up for complete bashing/judgement. So go click on "The Worthington Woods" if you you want to laugh or feel like being a straight meanie. It has an emoji tally to see what it's worse offense is. 


Just popping in to say hey! :)


lol, Take your time. I need to do a crap ton of edits. 
            And aww that sucks. I hope you work it out though because I would be excited to read more.


@Hey_Hugh Ah! I'll have to hurry and go read it then. I got frustrated with my book because the ending is not coming together well at all haha. 


@peachymariee I'm doing ok. How about you??
            I actually finished Mia and Greyson a while ago lol 
            Are you planning to get back to writing anytime soon??


Trolling myself today by publishing the first story I ever wrote. I'm opening it up for complete bashing/judgement. So go click on "The Worthington Woods" if you you want to laugh or feel like being a straight meanie. It has an emoji tally to see what it's worse offense is. 


I just hit 1K reads on 'Found You' and I really wanted to say thank you to everyone who has taken the time to read and comment. Your feedback had truly helped me to see my story in a different light, and also push me to share the entire thing. 1K may be nothing to some stories on here, but it means a lot to me. I hope you will continue to support Kai and Juniper on their journey!