
Midnight Moon is now fully uploaded, head to my profile to read my new fantasy story!


Hi all! I know it's been a ridiculously long time since I was active, but this is not an April fools - I have finally finished a project I've been working on for a long time. 
          The first few chapters of Midnight Moon are up now, an original fantasy story by me. 
          I will be publishing new chapters every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, and it would mean a lot to me if you would check it out!


can i ask why you are removing your stories i am in love with the phantom fanfics


@WriterJuliannaF thank you so much for your kind words, they really mean a lot to me! Perhaps I will try to rework them into originals someday, it’s really touching to hear how much you enjoyed and shared them. 


@penbehindamask THIS MAKES ME SO SAD!!!! I respect your decision 100%, since I’m a fanfic and original writer, but DANG GIRL…. Those phantom fanfics were the reason I kept reading and writing on Wattpad. You have not only inspired me, but your Phantom stories helped me so much and made me so happy. And lemme just say… you are an AMAZING writer, and your Phantom fanfics are like no other. They were TOP TIER, to the point I told EVERYONE I knew to go read it; as well as rereading it a hundred times. I hope you one day bring them back, maybe rewrite them and make them “original”? I don’t know… but please know, 1) I’m one of your top fans, and 2) your Phantom fanfics were the best. Thank you so much!! 


@BellaWhitlock1234 that's sweet of you to say, thank you!  I am taking them down as I am wanting to start releasing new stories with a more mature writing style than I had when I wrote those fanfics. I had a lot of fun writing them though, and I am so glad you enjoyed them!


Hi Lottie. Thanks for all the reads and votes on my stories, as well as following me (I've returned the favour). I'm glad some of the stories resonated with you! I've just read and really enjoyed Halfway to Nowhere. You should definitely submit it somewhere!


Thank you, I’ve been really enjoying your stories!


Hi all! I know it’s been a while since I’ve published anything, but I’ve just uploaded a short story called Halfway to Nowhere. It’s about a group of humans that leave Earth to be destroyed by our greed, and set out to find a new home. 
          This was mostly an exercise to have some fun with while taking a break from a large project I've been working on for some time. I have been writing a fantasy story, my first full story in an original setting. The first draft is complete and I am working on editing before I publish anything, but I hope to start releasing chapters regularly by the end of the year!
          Check out my new short piece, and keep an eye out for my story arriving in a few months!


@penbehindamask And a damn fine read it was too!