Hey guys!

I'm pretty much just a typical thirteen year old girl. I go to a christian school, and my dream is to have one of my books published :)

Also, you'll see me be called 'penguin'. It's a nick name my boyfriend gave me when i first met him, and now i just use it for basically everything :)

I really want to publish a book before i'm 18, so that i can put funds towards college--$0.00 in the college fund right now, and only four years to go. I love feedback, and please, don't be afraid to give helpful criticism! I need all the help I can get!

That's all, folks!


"The King is enthralled by your beauty. Honor Him, for He is your Lord."--Psalm 45:11
  • Дата регистрацииJuly 6, 2011

Последнее сообщение
penguinavations penguinavations Jul 16, 2011 04:36AM
@Kelikie that's so sweet of you :) I'm completely new here, so sometimes the amount of stories gets overwhelming. Its really nice to know that there's people out there as kind as you :) 
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