Hi! So I read your 13 reasons why story very briefly and I want to be another reason for you not to. I believe that you are probably an amazing person and that you can make it out of this. I personally only have 4 years left and then I'm done. You probably have less. Don't let them win. Honestly after high school, you can get away and things that are your reasons today are not going to matter years from now. So to quote from the amazing person you are "Think about it" and write me back.
Keep having hope... And remember that someone on here is here for you if you were to ever need it
@heartsandunicorns05 I've became uncapable of loving somebody so I don't know how that is going to work haha
I can understand that... I know that it would all just go away if you did it, but think about it this way. You can live after high school. You can get away and find the love of your life and have kids and make a point of treating them better. Imagine your life after so you can have something to look forward too