Steak peek to the new chapter of “She’s My Daughter”
“…"Kara thinks everything is delicious," Evelyn chuckled.
"Not everything," Astra stepped into the conversation "Momma doesn't like vegetables, but she still makes me eat them."
Everyone laughed. "That's right baby I don't like vegetables, but you still have to eat them so you can grow to be big and strong even without your powers," Kara poked at Astras nose.
"But soon momma will start having to vegetables," Oliver told Astra.
"That's right. Hold up say what now?" Kara turned to look at her husband "When did I agree to that?"
"I'm kidding Kara," Oliver laughed, as Kara nodded turning back to face Astra and Oliver shook his head making all the kids laugh and giggle.
Kara's head quickly snapped back to Oliver glaring at him "I'm not eating vegetables Mr. Queen."
"Sure you won't Mrs. Queen," Oliver smirked.
"Keep smirking and you'll be on the couch," Kara smiled.
Oliver's face fell slightly as the older kids laughed. "Ouch" William laughed.
"You two are disgustingly cute and sweet," Mia commented.”