So probably thinking on rewriting "She's My Daughter" you know where Mon-El isn't evil and a jerk (most of the time) and Felicity doesn't come back and also isn't evil. What do you think?
So I'm thinking about having Alex or J'onn come back and they could use the DEO like in the show or it could be just the Superfriends and they'll have their own headquarters.
What do you think?
Hey everyone! So I’ll be starting a little one shot story were I rewrite chapters from my book I already have one request, requested by @f1ictysmoak1ov3r
If any of you have some requests comment on here the chapter number or comment on the chapter and I’ll add it to the story once it’s set up.
Hi everyone I'm still taking that brake but i already have a chapter in I want to know if Kara should reveal herself as Supergirl saving Oliver and Tommy or should it be in a different way?
Hi everyone! So this is probably a bad timing with the new book being posted and all, but I’m doing exams this week so I’ll be taking a break from wattpad to focus on my studies.