
this message may be offensive
Omg guys I'm so sorry, I've been meaning to update everything but I've had such a shit week. I promise I'll update soon (and I'm gonna make Rainy Days a full length chapter-y story type thing). Thanks for sticking around and I'm so sorry for being a lazy ass bitch. 


Hey phan nice stories but how come no updates?


Lol thanks, I'm really sorry I've not been updating as much recently I've got loads of schoolwork  But when people comment and like my stuff I get the notifications and it reminds me to update. What stories would you like me to update? ☺️


this message may be offensive
Omg guys I'm so sorry, I've been meaning to update everything but I've had such a shit week. I promise I'll update soon (and I'm gonna make Rainy Days a full length chapter-y story type thing). Thanks for sticking around and I'm so sorry for being a lazy ass bitch. 


Right lads, I've finished my prelims and I don't go back to school until Tuesday, I'm going to try to update each of my stories before then. Yep all of them  
          (Probably not Rainy Days, I feel like that is a one shot. But definitely Skipping School, Pas de Deux and hopefully Broken Inside)
          Feel free to keep commenting on my stuff telling me to update bc that really does remind me to do it, love ya! 


I'm so sorry I haven't uploaded anything recently!!  Things irl haven't been so great and I've been doing loads of schoolwork. I'll try to update both Skipping School and Pas De Deux in the next week or so ❤️ Thank you all so much for reading and commenting on my stories, it means the world to me ☺️


I'm so sorry I haven't updated anything recently !!
          I've just finished my exams and now started on my 5 highers ()
          I will definitely be posting updates for both Pas De Deux and Skipping School very soon so stay tuned. 
          I love you all and thank you so much for the support ☺️
          Kat :3


I'm really getting into writing right now, apparently being ill is good for my writing (although not good for studying...)
          Anyways, I hope you guys like the new chapters of Skipping School and the two new books and thanks to all of you for sticking around <3