Four years later, I am back and glad to see Wattpad is still going strong.
I know this reply is way way overdue, perhaps no one will actually read it, but I think I do need to clear up things here.
As a geek who mostly deal with computers, I lack the usual social sensitivity that I should have known. I thought talking to everyone the same way, treating everyone exactly the same was the right thing to do. Well, it turned out I was too naive.
With different people, you have to know their situation, and talk according to that. You simply cannot treat a 5 year old and a 50 year old the same way.
I talked to certain people in a way that others found it very offensive, but I hadn't known until some people started to attack me and label me with something I was least aware of.
At first I was angry, I felt offended, and kept asking myself what I had said or did to deserve that.
Well, over the years I started to understand. Yup, I kinda deserve all of that. I do need to be careful in a social platform, especially I am not young any more. As someone once warned me in forum, I should have known better.