Hello beautiful,
I really hope you are having a great day.
The purpose of me stumbling upon your account is to promote my story that I just posted. ( I know I know , these messages can get a lot annoying and whatnot. But please hear me out.)
The story which I just posted is about racism which a lot of black people face everyday. I wrote this book for them and I want everyone to read it and understand that we all shouldn’t be judged upon our skin color. The thing that matters is that we all are humans and that we all are equal.
I want people to realize this. I want people to stand beside each other and fight against racism.
So it will be very sweet of you , if you’d take 3 minutes of your time and read my story’s introduction.
My story is called “ Different” and it is available on my profile.
If you choose not to read , you can simply ignore this message. I’m not gonna force :)
Keep smiling and you are beautiful in your own way and you shouldn’t let anyone tell you otherwise.
Lots of Love ,