OMG!!!!!! I'm hooked again. I've decided not to go to work because I have to read a freakin' good story. Sorry, I know it's bad but heck! I can do it!
P.S. to miss @seeyara OMFG! I bet, Your stories are sooo great! I'm currently reading 'When He Fell for Me' and I just can't put my phone down. I really love how you perfectly manage to combine Kilig + Humor + Drama in just a scene/chapter. It's refreshing to find another unique stories like yours. I think, I'm gonna read all your stories (even on-going) this whole week or month. :)
It's been a long time I've followed you; maybe, because at that time I'm searching for some good reads.. And sorry, I was late to notice yours. And I regreted it. Ha! But i now, I think I found a new favorite author! Thank you :*