
Hey everyone, I thought I'd come on here and be upfront that Stay Or Run is probably not going to be published this year..... 
          	Aside from my rewriting progress (which has completely abandoned the original storyline haha.....), hiring a professional editor, getting an ibsn, and having it copyrighted will not be possible for me any time soon, especially with exorbitant living costs that are only going to get worse. 
          	I will share with you all my progress on Instagram though, so you can at least have some crumbs of the story lol. 
          	In the meantime, please continue to stay safe and protect those around you, abled and disabled, by masking. Please also consider donating to Palestine; you can find donation drives of all kinds here:
          	When I find donation links for Sudan, Congo, and Yemen, I will also post them on here! 


So a couple of years back I had first came across your story and I loved it and would constantly reread it. Eventually, I out grew wattpad and deleted the app. I recently just downloaded wattpad again just to reread your story but I’ve forgotten how to PM someone here. I would love to get the passcode to reread your again after all these years. lol how do I private message you?


Of coursee I remember it! It was a good bookkk


@official_szcz the password is: Hunterseyes013


@official_szcz ahhh I can't believe you still remember it! Thank you so much for such a sweet message! <3
            So apparently, I haven't been on here in a while and completely missed that they decided to erase PM-ing??? I'll just type the password here and delete it later LMAO Just as a heads up, I haven't posted the last ~22 chapters....I will try to get to that....


Hey everyone, I thought I'd come on here and be upfront that Stay Or Run is probably not going to be published this year..... 
          Aside from my rewriting progress (which has completely abandoned the original storyline haha.....), hiring a professional editor, getting an ibsn, and having it copyrighted will not be possible for me any time soon, especially with exorbitant living costs that are only going to get worse. 
          I will share with you all my progress on Instagram though, so you can at least have some crumbs of the story lol. 
          In the meantime, please continue to stay safe and protect those around you, abled and disabled, by masking. Please also consider donating to Palestine; you can find donation drives of all kinds here:
          When I find donation links for Sudan, Congo, and Yemen, I will also post them on here! 


Hello, I have a big announcement! 
          I've decided to take on a big project and self-publish Stay Or Run! I've split the story into three parts as a trilogy, and although you can expect major changes within the story, I will do my best to keep its original plot.
          You can read the full statement on Stay Or Run's Instagram account! 


@lady_ivory It's a rewrite of the discontinued version! :)) I decided to keep some of the elements to make sure it's similar to the original! 


In so excited!! Will you publish the dicontinued Version or the finished one?


@JasmineVoosen Thank you so much for your continued support!!! I will definitely have you be one of the first people to read the re-written version!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️


WordPress is kinda annoying and I'm not a web designer, so anyone with any accessibility concerns can reach out to me and we can discuss other methods of reading Stay Or Run regarding what will be more accessible for you! I am open to anything!


          I have plans to return to writing with draft 3 of Stay Or Run. The third draft however is EXTREMELY different from the OG story. I've chosen to still call it Stay Or Run because the plot points are the same and I will be using the same character types. Because of this, I am also considering FINISHING the FIRST draft of Stay Or Run. It will most likely be condensed and the characters might act differently simply because they are no longer the same characters in my head. But please rest assured that if I do return to it, I will finish it as I had intended and treat this as a goodbye and a tribute to the many years I spent working on the first version of the story and the people who supported me along the way. I will also warn everyone that the rest of the story will be dark and dreadful until the ending, which I think was supposed to be happy.  
          As for the THIRD draft, while it is not fully planned and is still in the works, just so I don't make you l9ok forward to it only to be disappointed and unhappy with it, here are some dislaimers: 


@taetaeslxt Hello again! Thank you for still being interested after all this time 
            ╥﹏╥ Basically my thinking while rereading the first draft was "this reads like a horror story" LMAO I'm definitely going off of that, so poor Hunter will be implicated....As for the political commentary...looking at the state of the world right now, the disparities of wealth, rampant white supremacy, women's rights, and the downfall of protections for BIPOC and LGBTQIA+ people, etc. it's really going to be insane, graphic, and vengeful haha...Considering the heftiness of these issues, I'm really just going to take my time researching everything so we'll see when I've got the timeline and world building figured out!


after all this time im still tuned in... u were such a great writer then, i cant WAIT to see what youll do now. this sounds SO interesting. very intrigued to see what youll be doing with hunter lol and i especially LOVE political commentary ❤️


Writing this makes draft 3 sound insane and like why bother calling it draft 3, but I will not be returning to the story from draft 1. Again, I used the same characters, characters' attributes, and worldbuilding (Alex's amnesia and childhood trauma, the conflict between the Wolvertons and the townspeople, family history and relationships) so I can't exactly completely separate this version from draft 1. 
            If you want, treat it as an alternate universe. 
            But thank you to everyone who loved draft 1 for what it was. I will be moving on to a completely new version once I decide whether or not to finish draft 1!  


Sorry, sorry, sorry! Uploading Part 1 of Stay or Run on wordpress today, I will ask that we all ignore how misogynist these guys come off ADGNJNSDJ I promise I will yassify them in my new draft LOL


@lady_ivory Hello again!!! 。°(°.◜ᯅ◝°)°。 It's been a while, it's so great to see you again! I will go ahead and PM you the password!


Cant wait to reread it again 


With the whole AI situation everywhere right now, I advise that all writers out there think about unpublishing their work. 
          Rahter than feed the machine, I myself have decided to unpublish Stay Or Run (again). Let me know if you'd like to have access to a Google drive or something to read it (Private message or just post on my message board here). I will think of a way to post the story somewhere without there being a threat of having my work stolen. Even if it's an unfinished, amateur story, I'd rather not let AI feed off of it and have losers who can't do anything themselves say it's their own work.


@JasmineVoosen thank you for the offer! I will definitely reach out to you if I do! <3


@pinkyrosejem Well keep me in mind if you need a beta reader


@JasmineVoosen Thank you so much for your kind words! I really appreciate your support even if it's been years since I last updated Stay Or Run. Thank you for continuing to love the story! I will say that the reworked version I have in mind is COMPLETELY different, with side plots, different characterization, and MORE side characters (maybe a sequel?), so it'll be some time before I get started on it lol. 
            That being said, I will consider finishing the original draft I will be sharing on Wordpress before moving on, just to say goodbye to it. It's a very long project, so we'll see haha!