
im suddenly getting a lot of followers and votes?? :0 idk why but thank you all for the support now im really tempted to start writing again :") 


hi guys! i guess i'm finally back from my hiatus? the problem is, i'm not sure of what kind of poems i shld write next :x zzz it's been a while (like 4 months?¿) since i've written & i'm afraid that i might have lost touch w writing as well... does anyone have any advice for me, like what i shld write next & stuff along those lines?
          anywho, thanks a lot for the support y'all have been giving me during my hiatus! my book "koimizu" suddenly got a lot of votes & comments, and that made me rly happy despite the fact that i was taking my national examinations ^^ & i rly rly do hope all of you will continue to support me as i step into the next chapter of my life (:


I just realised.. We're from the same country. Helloooo ~


@Niqluh Woes my pleasure and thank you! Hope you have a wonderful day ahead of you :D


@Yuziee thank you!! & merry late christmas to you too!


@NiqluhWoes my pleasure! Your poems speaks volume and the depth of it is incredible! Also merry Christmas to you :)