Hello, I have an announcement to make.
I'm afraid I really won't be posting another update about the recommendation book.
Now today, February 28, 2022, Nu'est (the one I stan as a kpop group) announced their last activity as a group. There will be no Nu'est after March 15 but it doesn't mean they'll be gone in our hearts. It's devastating and sad to know they will end, but it's also amazing how some of them wanted to try out new things and will go step the road ahead, all on their own. It's a bittersweet feeling, but also fulfilling as a fan who watched them from the start.
Nu'est members will pave their way ahead. I'm positive they will not forget each other as they go on separate ways. I'm truly wishing them the best. And now that it came to this point, I plan to say goodbye for my account. I'll completely let go and leave wattpad for good. Thank you for the people I've met here. So sorry that I won't be existing after this. I have a lot to focus too, and I know I have to do this now. I lost my account and made a new similar one, but the thought that I can't retrieve the people I talked to before and the stories I made and share with my friend, I feel extremely sad.
But I guess the sudden news made me realize that I have to let go. And now I'm completely letting go of my account and time here in wattpad. Thank you so so much again.
From today on, I will still continue to cheer on Nu'est. The five of them may not stick forever as a group, but they are brother who share the same feelings, so I'm not really worried of their brotherhood.
Cheers to more love and success to everyone.
Always and forever LOVE,
Finally signing off.