Hey... Im leaving wattpad. There will be no longer theories or posts here. Thank you...To the people who were with me in this journey of mine. Goodbye...
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Hey... Im leaving wattpad. There will be no longer theories or posts here. Thank you...To the people who were with me in this journey of mine. Goodbye...
Hey... Im leaving wattpad. There will be no longer theories or posts here. Thank you...To the people who were with me in this journey of mine. Goodbye...
-ABOUT RUSSIAN ROULETTE- This theory is made by SaracTheKonj and writen as her POV please respect. This theory is about latest chapter -Insatiable Greed- Ok, so now I'm really scared for the plot because their whole dynamic that was known to us was Russia simping and America being an idiot just eager to have friends and we don't really know if he really likes Russia or is he oblivious to his feelings but now that we know America maybe wasn't oblivious af, I feel like Kai is gonna pull some betrayal plot twist that America manipulates russia, which would kind of make America's and NASA's conversation in a dream pointless I am awfully confused about what is going to happen, because this all felt like a stable ground, like it's predictable enough and they're gonna confess and live happily ever after but now we have NO IDEA how Ame feels, no idea when he realized Russia likes him and no idea how is their relationship going to develop remember that it said: not with hostility, but not with affection either and then he looked away and smiled to himself, WHAT IS THAT SUPPOSED TO MEAN There also comes America's secret, something terrible enough that he, a mass murderer, is afraid his friends would leave him But that still means that he cares about them, which creates a paradox about the idea of him manipulating them the entire time Also we have China, that is somehow the first to find out every secret in the gang Is he gonna do something about it all.
Oh I forgot to add that she also said ''he feels absolutely no remorse killing people, which I think is going to be even bigger part of story than it already is '' which is right and I agree with her.
My answer for this theory of gold: Well Ame was manipulated for so long that he doesnt know how to control his emotions. And we saw this on early chapter too. Little ame trying to make friends -remember- he was about to cry and he felt pathetic then runaway. He is self aware actually but he is afraid cuz he doesnt know how to handle emotions. A result of being with central king for so long. Central used his family to theraten him whenever he show emotions that he dont want or actions so he does have emotions but he is afraid - Atleast thats what I think- Central also didnt allow him to socialize cuz that something weak humans do. Weapons dont need emotions. This is the reason why he is bad at understanding others emotions unless he can relate to them for some kind of painful way.
-ABOUT RUSSIAN ROULETTE- This theory is made by BeanTree45- aka Jay - and writen as her POV please respect. This theory is about latest chapter -Insatiable Greed- I just looked back at the prologue cuz something popped into my mind. On one of the paragraphs it said that there were two people: one dying and the other void of emotion “as if they had gone numb towards the pain” In the show (which I think is a HUGE foreshadow) the girl died in a battle. The boy represented America as his parents locked him in the cellar so the girl is (by what I understand) is Russia. SO that being said- Russia supposedly dies from battle. Like in the prologue where they are surrounded by dead bodies and one has a fatal wound. America, having the upraising that he does, feels no emotion to death as it’s an everyday thing for him. THEREFORE Russia’s death could be something that he’s like “oh well that was fun while it lasted” BECAUSE THE CENTRAL KING ALWAYS ruins the fun he’s having! As said in the spring dance where he wanted to go but the King was like “hey I want you to do this and all that” and he was “ok its not like I have a choice here” And we’ve seen that America freezes up when fighting the king due to the years of manipulation. It’s easy to say that maybe in their final battle America freezes up or something and can’t protect Russia in time from getting injured. So when the battle is over and Russia dies America is sad but, yes, but also he was expecting it because the Central King always finds a way to ruin his fun. And being apart of a revolution is really thrilling in his mind. Note from me: I was serious when I said that I will share others theorys.
Well Kai did ask in one post should the book have happy or bittersweet ending. Why else he would ask such question right? Its logical and make sense!
-ABOUT RUSSIAN ROULETTE- Me and my friends were talking on discord about random stuff and then we start to discuss about theories and ideas we have for books we read or write. They wanted me to share here to. So here goes nothing... Lately I was thinking about that Central king knows that Ame is a rebel so...What if he attacks his family -like french revolution- execute his parents in front of Canada -since he is still with his parents- traumatize him and brainwash him like he did to Ame and use him as a puppet - or a weapon - ? Ame cant attack - or refuse to - cuz he is his sibling and he loves him. Central king can use Canada as a sheild and threaten Ame and his friends. Canada will become ''The kings trap card '' or ''Militarys little sheild '' Since Oceania is gonna be covered with ice and Ame is going there they cant leave for a long time. Oceania will be covered with ice for 3 months minimum if we use logic. And thats enough time to brainwash and train someone. Note: I will try to share more ideas and theories I have but I couldnt find enough time for rereading the books - since I am busy with homework teachers give and my studies - and my lack of motivation is also a strugle to me lately so I might draw little doodles and talk on discord instead for a while. And dont worry I will write my theories here after discussing with people and even share their theories along with mine. Feel free to share.
@poor0meh I have been summoned by my very talented and smart friend hell hello And I agree with le theory Very nice You use brain cells while reading Meanwhile I have to re-read a paragraph 40293829 times to process it correctly
-ABOUT RUSSIAN ROULETTE- Hi fellow person. I am back~ Anyways as I promise I am sharing my new freshly created teory.Lets get straight to the point. So our belowed prince and his friends are going to Oceania right? Ames siblings are also going to there. They will meet each other eventualy. So we have some senarios for the things that can happen. 1st senario is when Ame and his friends try to take down the king or queen of Oceania they will meet his siblings and since they dont know its their brother they will fight against him- try to kill him problably which ill emotionaly damage anyone - yeah smut lovers gonna cry DrAmA QuEeNs EvErYwHeRe - I guess I dont need to mention the fact that his siblings can get hurt trying to fight him? 2nd senario is his siblings and Ame meeting each other before the assaination attempt.They will try to attend and help their bro for sure. Ame will say that they cant join them cuz it ill be dangrous also the fact that other kings and queens can get suspicious and attack their kingdom so no. They dont listen , someone dies or gets wounded - drama and stuff- 3rd senario Centarl king- the assh*le- sends some of his soldiers or man secretly . Since he nows Ame didnt listen him he attacks and hurts his siblings in order to make him stop killing kings and queens and get him back as the MiLiTaRiEs LiTtLe WeaPoN. Fails so bad that USSR didnt collapsed this bad lol. Or he get the great sucsess who knows? 4th senario Centarl king takes advantage of the Ame being stuck at the Oceania and attacks his family. Yall know that Canada is still there he can take him away lol. Ame will definetly try to save him after returning for the Oceania. Central king uses the Trap card. Boom got em. Ame the lil puppet is back to its master again lets punish him infront of his sibling canada to give him trauma. Well I have more senarios but I forgot some and running out of words so just ask I might tell yall later. Im a busy person after all.
@That0neB1Sc0rp10 I know right? Btw I sent you a friend request on discord. So we can talk more >:D
@ poor0meh OMG YES. I ESPECIALLY LOVE THE 3RD AND 4TH SENARIOS ABOUT THE CENTRAL KING. I honestly do feel like something is going to happen between the twins and Ame when they (probably) meet in Oceania
-ABOUT WWMS- Hello there~ I the chaos summoner and bearer of ominous tidings is back for grand you a wish.Now back to the point... Since Pol had a powerful bird, cloaked guy can use him as a puppet. He is on the list of funny toys for sure... Cute birb~ He can use Pol to chatch Ger and since he is the fav student of EU ( atleast I think) the cloaked b*stard can reach to the Headquarters theirselfs... He can kill Ger and build fourth Reich too, a new toy for him to play and mess with powers~ Its fun isn't it? A real threat for everyone that lives for sure~ Have fun with smut yall have, there might be chance for yall to cry over a drama senario (: Wait...I can hear some of yall....Hmmm you didin't notice the potencial of using Pol as puppet huh? I see... Big sis shall answer your questions.. Well using him as a mole and taking info such as stealling important documents, switching with mis informations , sabotaging stuff ( The Wall for example ). Also he is a social butterfly so no one will notice him. Killing Ger will be a disadvantage but he is good at coming up with plans so the headquarters also lost a good wikipedia for sure. I little sacrifice for winnig the game(Think about it like what Thanos did to get the soul stone)... And I dont think that the cloaked guy is tr, He might be a puppet that headquarters didn't notice and gone as a victim. He got killed for knowing to much stuff... Also the cloaked guy used El Salvador as puppet and talked with ''China'' already why not do the same? All he need to do is wait for the right time to strike to our beloved Polish birb... ( I hope you noticed that I mentioned China earlier...Take a wild guess of my next teory now.) I hope I answer all of your wonders now. Teehehe~
Well....Hi, people who is reading it rn... Lets get straight to the point. So I have been reading Onyxxcrows book WWMS and made teorys - When I mean I made teorys I mean that I have tons of it - and since that some of my friends wanted me to share I decided that I will write my teories on my conversations - and turn it in to a teory book once the book is finnished or have to many writen on here - So... Lets start now shall we? On preveious chapters we learnt that Ame was experimented in a lab cuz of his awekening being so strong and new. Then we saw Russia finding him self on fire after he woke up. Turns out he can use sunfire to, right? What if that cloaked guy decides to attack Russia or something happens that he lits him self on fire by a mistake? People will know that he can use both ice and sunfire, they will think that Russia has MORE THAN ONE awakening. He probably gonna be desqualified and experimented.... Just like they did to Ame..... Or maybe people think that sunfire isnt special at all that other countrys can use it as well. Maybe Ame's secret will be revealed , people finding out about Confendrate States of America and what happened between them. This is the first teory Im posting here on my conversations. Dont forget to share yours - maybe we can add them in my book if I write it. I dont think I will write it but anyways - I am interested in other teorys. And sorry for my bad English I am busy and lazy to fix or care enough for my mistakes lol.
@ poor0meh Idk, hmm i said 'if' the sunfire become publicly known that It can be used by other people Perhaps if you manage to use It then people will probably think of you as strong or worthy ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I did it. I survived 2 WEEKS FULL OF EXAMS!I have been studing for my exams none stop since 31th December and I am finialy free. I can start drawing , reading and creating teories again now. But first I need a looooong break because I deserve it for sure!
Merry Christmas yall. A year has past and hope yall have a nice one. Happy holidays everyone!
@poor0meh Hi, and thanks so much for choosing No Quit for your collection, I hope you find it worth your while.
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