
So, I’ve been deeply absent. I got dragged into the loop of a monotone life once again. So profoundly that this time I’m trying 75 hard once again! I’m doing a detox of all socials, TikTok, Snapchat and Instagram. With exceptions like Wattpad and Pinterests tho. So I’ll be focusing on my writing a lot more! And I’ll finish Reverie as soon as possible (without rushing the story of course don’t worry). 
          	New chapterS soon! 


          	  Social media detox is the best thing for your mind and soul, i don't use socials , best thing ever !!
          	  I hope you are doing well
          	  And hope to see your story soon ♡♡


So, I’ve been deeply absent. I got dragged into the loop of a monotone life once again. So profoundly that this time I’m trying 75 hard once again! I’m doing a detox of all socials, TikTok, Snapchat and Instagram. With exceptions like Wattpad and Pinterests tho. So I’ll be focusing on my writing a lot more! And I’ll finish Reverie as soon as possible (without rushing the story of course don’t worry). 
          New chapterS soon! 


            Social media detox is the best thing for your mind and soul, i don't use socials , best thing ever !!
            I hope you are doing well
            And hope to see your story soon ♡♡


We reached 1k reads in total but I’ve been absent cause of of exams I’m so sorry!! I’ll update soon though 


@powderthoughts don't worry, dear  on your time


hey i just binged reverie last night and omg i am so glad i found your book it’s AMAZING i actually feel like i’m back in the era of dracotok!! keep up the good work! looking forward to new chapters!!!


I’m extremely glad you’re fond of the story! It’s such a pleasure knowing so. This made me sit down, gather myself and connect all the dots on my notes for the plot of the book. Chapter 14 is up! 