
Hey guys go follow my friend reject_syndrome she's awesome!!


No offence but your book “12 and Pregnant” is beyond messed up and offensive. How can you even write that stuff? I hope it isn’t true at all. You’re making the girl seem slutty and have lack of morals. And you’re basically supporting child sexuality. That’s disgusting. Please remove it. It’s upsetting for everyone. 


Is the book based on a true story. If so I’m sorry to hear but if it’s not then the book is extremely offensive and cringey. Your pretty much supporting the fact of older men dating younger girls. It’s really hard to read this kind of stuff. I mean she’s 12 sleeping with a older man. What is wrong with her. Who the heck is Patty. It’s offensive too Justin because he doesn’t go around having sex with younger children. The way she dresses too, she is wearing skimpy clothing. I just don’t get this... smh


@PinappleTreez I think Patty is his mom?


Ok just to clarify things, I commented on the "12 and Pregnant" book. I just wanted to know, is it based on your life or someone else's? I don't want to sound like a mean person becuz I thought the book was kinda offensive..? If it's based on a true story, then sorry, cuz I should know that writing something without thinking it through is not a good thing.